291899 He turned the key. CK 1 436885 I need the keys. lukaszpp 1 1515342 I dropped my keys. Yush3 1 1799986 I lost my keys. cathrynm 1 1877595 Give me the keys. CK 1 1890898 I'll get my keys. CK 1 1895551 You've got my keys. CK 1 2262052 I've got Tom's keys. CK 1 2359703 I've got the keys. CK 1 2548478 Where are the keys? CK 1 2549161 Here are the keys. CK 1 2646725 Where are Tom's keys? CK 1 2646979 Tom grabbed his keys. CK 1 2647735 Are these your keys? CK 1 2648610 Who has the keys? CK 1 2648663 Tom took my keys. CK 1 2648700 Tom has the keys. CK 1 2984198 Hand me the keys. CK 1 3151429 Give Tom his keys. CK 1 3312956 We found Tom's keys. CK 1 2387508 I need my keys. CK 1 2360392 I have the keys. CK 1 2869328 Give Tom the keys. CK 1 35586 Here are your keys. CK 1 2649161 Give it a kick. CK 1 2548527 Tom's a bright kid. CK 1 2548890 You're a good kid. CK 1 2549640 I'm just a kid. CK 1 2549706 I'm not a kid. CK 1 2649009 Is Tom your kid? CK 1 2856271 Tom has one kid. Amastan 1 2867023 Tom has a kid. Amastan 1 3264678 Where's the new kid? CK 1 3331036 You're just a kid. CK 1 2358742 I have a kid. CK 1 2272817 Tom is a kid. CK 1 2273308 Tom is my kid. CK 1 2360176 I have one kid. CK 1 2240625 We're not kidding. CK 1 2247487 I was kidding. CK 1 2244616 Is Tom kidding? CK 1 2203720 Tom is kidding. CK 1 2239815 Tom was kidding. CK 1 270147 Are you kidding? CK 1 398513 I'm just kidding. FeuDRenais 1 2218264 You're not kidding! CK 1 327282 What's up, kiddo? CM 1 2241495 We were kidnapped. CK 1 2248345 I've been kidnapped. CK 1 2247488 I was kidnapped. CK 1