English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2579

1092182	Tom wouldn't be too surprised if Mary decided to accept the job offer.	CK	1
2432295	Tom opens the windows every morning as soon as he gets to his office.	CK	1
2210429	Since the coat Tom tried on was too small, the clerk gave him another one to try on.	CK	1
18377	If you're not prepared to take the trouble to learn how to train a dog, don't get one.	Nero	1
953646	I think it's unlikely that the next model will be any better than this one.	CK	1
292576	He turned the bottle upside down and shook it, but still the honey wouldn't come out.	CK	1
1092412	Tom was going 50 over the speed limit when the police pulled him over.	CK	1
1042557	Tom thought that there was a good chance that it was Mary who had stolen the painting.	CK	1
1024015	Tom was able to make himself understood in French when he visited Paris.	CK	1
1092236	Tom wondered how many hours it took Mary to get ready for the party.	CK	1
1092734	Tom thought what Mary was wearing wasn't appropriate for a formal party.	CK	1
1095372	Tom certainly made it clear that he didn't want Mary to attend the party.	CK	1
1094961	Tom decided that we should put the canoe inside the house until the storm passed.	CK	1
909568	Some healthcare workers spend more time doing paperwork than taking care of patients.	CK	1
2042820	I don't want everybody on the Web to be able to access my photos.	CK	1
1040724	From the time he was a small boy, Tom knew that he wanted to be a policeman.	CK	1
1024258	Tom said he liked what she had made for dinner, but he was only being polite.	CK	1
953545	I never for a moment imagined that my blog would become so popular.	CK	1
953637	I think it's highly unlikely that we'll be able to escape from this prison.	CK	1
1029765	Tom appreciated all the letters Mary sent him while he was in prison.	CK	1
1847736	Tom was fed up with eating the low quality food provided by the prison.	CK	1
1096153	It would be unethical for me to tell you about Tom's medical problems.	CK	1
2300247	I came over here to tell you guys that you need to be a little quieter.	CK	1
2414055	Tom and Mary sat next to each other at the table in the conference room.	CK	1
2582721	Tom and Mary were speaking in French, but switched to English when John entered the room.	CK	1
1027157	Tom always speaks in such a low voice that I can barely understand what he says.	CK	1
1028149	Tom refused to continue to ignore the way Mary was behaving at school.	CK	1
1029128	Tom doesn't know what became of Mary after she graduated from high school.	CK	1
2006534	Tom and Mary were walking down the path with fishing poles slung over their shoulders.	CK	1
2392562	I refuse to believe that we can't do anything about the situation.	CK	1
1103660	I thought chances of Tom not noticing what Mary was doing were pretty slim.	CK	1
1092728	Tom told everyone that he thought Mary would make a good wife for someone someday.	CK	1
953934	If I were to study French, I'd prefer to study with a native French speaker.	CK	1
26005	I managed to catch the 8 o'clock train by running all the way to the station.	CK	1
1027366	Like many students at our school, Tom stays up until late at night studying.	CK	1
953510	I know that it is highly unlikely that we'll be able to sell all this stuff.	CK	1
1334016	The food wasn't very delicious, but otherwise the party was a success.	CK	1
1025007	Tom is having trouble coping with the fact that his son committed suicide.	CK	1
1027814	Tom wanted to ask Mary how old she was, but he thought that maybe he shouldn't.	CK	1
1163510	Tom thought that Mary wanted him to kiss her, but he wasn't sure, so he didn't.	CK	1
1027637	Can you remember the time we visited Tom when he was still a teenager?	CK	1
1024149	Tom speaks five languages, but doesn't know how to be polite in any of them.	CK	1
1092592	Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them.	CK	1
66532	I always enjoy listening to classical music when I have some free time.	CK	1
1094925	Tom decided to use Mary's computer even though she had told him not to.	CK	1
1094941	Tom decided to marry Mary even though his parents didn't want him to.	CK	1
2389588	I ought to wear this tie more often. I've gotten a lot of compliments today.	CK	1
2413995	Tom and Mary are still in their offices. Both of them plan to work late today.	CK	1
1027535	I never imagined that my skills as a lawyer would be used to defend Tom.	CK	1
1092101	You could search the world over and never find another man more honest than Tom.	CK	1