2334069 I hardly ever take my dog for a walk. CK 1 2405313 Since it stopped raining, he went out for a walk. CK 1 2640510 Tom took Mary's arm and they started walking. CK 1 1028658 Tom helped Mary hang a picture on the wall. CK 1 1961237 I thought I heard someone banging on the wall. CK 1 1095560 Tom can't remember where he put his wallet. CK 1 2358778 I have a picture of you in my wallet. CK 1 281948 I will lend you as much money as you want. CK 1 1092677 Tom told me to give you anything you want. CK 1 2300716 I can get one of those any time I want. CK 1 18525 The richer he became, the more he wanted. CK 1 30333 I'm confident that there won't be a world war. Nero 1 1094980 Tom decided not to talk about the war. CK 1 2450121 Tom was an ambulance driver in the war. sharptoothed 1 1544 One million people lost their lives in the war. CK 1 2335855 You need to wear thick socks to keep your feet warm. Hybrid 1 36772 Can you guess what type of restaurant it was? CK 1 1028187 Tom pretended not to know who Mary was. CK 1 1029310 Tom didn't know how unhappy Mary was. CK 1 1514519 Tom wanted to know what Mary's last name was. CK 1 1543616 Tom had no idea how rich Mary was. CK 1 2026909 I want everything back to the way it was. CK 1 2389877 I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. CK 1 2997343 Do you have any idea who that was? CK 1 298388 He accused me of having stolen his watch. CK 1 239305 Only a few TV programs are worth watching. CK 1 903693 There is an urgent need for drinking water. CK 1 903695 There is an urgent need for food and water. CK 1 1024550 Tom lives in a house without running water. CK 1 1898432 All Tom really wanted was glass of water. CK 1 2826737 Tom doesn't even know how to boil water. CK 1 325013 Something must have happened to him on the way. CK 1 1026580 Tom couldn't get the door to close all the way. CK 1 1304528 We were caught in a traffic jam on the way. CK 1 1936560 I'd like to ask Tom if he feels the same way. CK 1 3095164 It was Tom's idea to try it this way. CK 1 1886826 We're attracted to each other, aren't we? CK 1 1922113 Tom grabbed a crowbar to use as a weapon. CK 1 953524 I looked in my closet for something to wear. CK 1 1029271 Tom didn't notice what Mary was wearing. CK 1 1093553 Tom hated the shoes that Mary was wearing. CK 1 316872 She is particular about what she wears. CK 1 1093450 Tom is particular about what he wears. CK 1 54686 You'd better not go out in this cold weather. CK 1 1024208 Tom says that he's fed up with this hot weather. CK 1 1024350 Tom plans to go in spite of the bad weather. CK 1 1094938 Tom decided to redesign his website. CK 1 2396055 How do we upload photos to your website? CK 1 1474 You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. Nero 1 24090 My family will be away for a week. CK 1