1884490 Tom just doesn't understand what's going on. CK 1 1938890 I thought Tom had enough money to live on. CK 1 2323202 I don't think Tom understands what's going on. CK 1 3287378 It seems that something funny is going on. CK 1 887419 She suggested that I write to him at once. CK 1 887529 She was advised by him to come back at once. CK 1 250285 My bag is too old. I must buy a new one. CK 1 371587 I'm not sure if I like this one or that one. saeb 1 1138331 This novel isn't as good as his last one. CK 1 2308094 I could get you a blanket if you need one. CK 1 58139 This river runs into Lake Ontario. CK 1 1851858 Tom didn't notice that his fly was open. CK 1 1025528 Tom had trouble getting his suitcase opened. CK 1 1872486 Tom handed Mary the letter opener. CK 1 2092568 Does anybody have a can opener? CK 1 295015 He underwent a risky operation. CM 1 2953897 We're attempting a rescue operation. CK 1 20647 Basically, I agree with your opinion. CK 1 2538389 I'm not asking you to change your opinion. CK 1 327831 No one wants to listen to my opinions. Eldad 1 1095841 Tom asked some of his friends for their opinions. CK 1 248077 We made the most of the opportunity. CK 1 1095886 Tom asked if there were any other options. CK 1 58692 You can't use this faucet. It's out of order. CK 1 2462805 Have you decided what you want to order? CK 1 248658 We had to cooperate with each other. CK 1 248871 We introduced ourselves to each other. CK 1 305068 They have something in common with each other. Eldad 1 1029851 Tom and Mary fell in love with each other. CK 1 1891141 I'm surprised you and Tom don't like each other. CK 1 2044881 I'm so happy we understand each other. CK 1 2293195 I assume the two of you know each other. CK 1 2414078 Tom and Mary were looking at each other. CK 1 2414090 Tom and Mary were staring at each other. CK 1 2414091 Tom and Mary were talking to each other. CK 1 2360363 I've spent my whole life trying to help others. CK 1 22717 We tried to cheer him up by taking him out. CK 1 28951 I did some work after breakfast and went out. CK 1 34735 A heavy snowstorm kept us from going out. CK 1 246663 Will you take care of the children while I'm out? CK 1 305012 Who will look after the baby while they're out? CK 1 855771 I wasn't really in the mood to go out. Swift 1 1023885 Tom worked all day and was completely worn out. CK 1 1024217 Tom says that he doesn't feel like going out. CK 1 1093265 Tom locked himself in his room and won't come out. CK 1 2031931 Are you sure you don't want me to help you out? CK 1 268722 I have left you your dinner in the oven. CK 1 632469 Please put this into the microwave oven. CK 1 37673 Anyhow, I'm relieved the test is over. CM 1 64858 The patrolman motioned me to pull over. CK 1