English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2273

1029150	Tom doesn't know if Mary remembers him.	CK	1
1029283	Tom didn't like the way Mary spoke to him.	CK	1
1029315	Tom didn't intend to let Mary kiss him.	CK	1
1029499	Tom can't get over how Mary treated him.	CK	1
1029589	Tom began to suspect Mary would leave him.	CK	1
1092386	Tom was lucky that Mary didn't hit him.	CK	1
1092441	Tom was afraid Mary wouldn't believe him.	CK	1
1092509	Tom wanted to kill Mary, but John stopped him.	CK	1
1092511	Tom wanted to hit Mary, but John stopped him.	CK	1
1093096	Tom realized that he had no money on him.	CK	1
1093135	Tom pocketed the money Mary gave him.	CK	1
1093163	Tom overheard Mary talking about him.	CK	1
1094324	Tom doesn't think Mary can live without him.	CK	1
1094405	Tom doesn't like the way Mary looks at him.	CK	1
1094438	Tom doesn't know what Mary expects from him.	CK	1
1094780	Tom didn't give me a chance to talk to him.	CK	1
1095158	Tom couldn't believe that Mary had tricked him.	CK	1
1095326	Tom certainly wasn't dead when we saw him.	CK	1
1141154	Tom talked me into going to church with him.	CK	1
1315792	He's very smart, so everybody likes him.	CK	1
1398808	I gathered from what she said that she liked him.	CK	1
1550042	Tom thinks that nothing bad can happen to him.	Spamster	1
1553364	Tom is depressed because his girlfriend left him.	CK	1
1834158	How did Tom convince Mary to marry him?	CK	1
1877515	Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him.	CK	1
1884413	Tom wasn't surprised who showed up to meet him.	CK	1
1950181	What was Tom doing the last time you saw him?	CK	1
1951499	Tom can't do it alone. Could you please help him?	CK	1
2026614	Tom doesn't want Mary anywhere near him.	CK	1
2026619	Tom wanted me to go, so I went with him.	CK	1
2028418	Tom just doesn't want me to embarrass him.	CK	1
2028422	Tom wants Mary to move to Boston with him.	CK	1
2028672	Tom doesn't want you to get angry with him.	CK	1
2031343	I'm not sure Tom would want Mary to kiss him.	CK	1
2031973	Maybe Tom thought you wouldn't want to see him.	CK	1
2044900	Tom is as happy as we've ever seen him.	CK	1
2044902	Tom is happier than I've ever seen him.	CK	1
2044922	Tom is happier than we've ever seen him.	CK	1
2309394	Tom thought Mary was hiding something from him.	CK	1
2406113	I saw Tom and could barely recognize him.	CK	1
2426476	Tom was hoping that Mary would smile at him.	CK	1
3241698	Tom saved all of the letters Mary sent him.	CK	1
886860	She advised him not to go there by himself.	CK	1
1024250	Tom said that he did his homework by himself.	CK	1
1024265	Tom said he can't eat that much food by himself.	CK	1
1027081	Tom ate a dozen doughnuts all by himself.	CK	1
1028788	Tom had to take care of Mary by himself.	CK	1
1094606	Tom didn't want to make a fool of himself.	CK	1
1893744	We need to stop Tom before he hurts himself.	CK	1
1951544	Tom can't dress himself and he can't feed himself.	CK	1