English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2259

2712579	Do you have something else more pressing to do?	CK	1
2951583	Can you remember what we're supposed to do?	CK	1
3287329	I don't have anything else I have to do.	CK	1
3287358	I just remembered something I have to do.	CK	1
3287396	I did something that Tom told me not to do.	CK	1
3287438	Does that seem like something you might want to do?	CK	1
3330568	I can see we have a lot of work to do.	CK	1
25218	Is there anything else you want me to do?	CK	1
680094	I advise you to listen to your doctor.	Source_VOA	1
903816	I think it's time for me to call a doctor.	CK	1
991952	I persuaded him to consult a doctor.	CK	1
1092853	Tom suggested that Mary see a doctor.	CK	1
1213645	Do you want me to take you to the doctor?	CK	1
1887337	I had no idea Tom was a doctor.	CK	1
2031310	Are you sure you don't want go to the doctor?	CK	1
38890	Would you please have a look at this document?	Swift	1
2025881	I want a better look at this document.	CK	1
37179	Tom enjoys himself at everything he does.	CK	1
1029036	Tom doesn't study as hard as Mary does.	CK	1
1029970	Tom always complains about what Mary does.	CK	1
1096280	A lot of people feel the same way Tom does.	CK	1
2433554	Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary does.	CK	1
2451210	I don't speak French as fluently as Tom does.	CK	1
3172919	Tom speaks French about as well as Mary does.	CK	1
239149	I want to keep a cat instead of a dog.	CK	1
898517	What kind of food should I be feeding my dog?	CK	1
898522	How many times a day should I feed my dog?	CK	1
898536	How often and how much should I feed my dog?	CK	1
898585	I never let anyone else feed my dog.	CK	1
1025950	Tom doesn't take very good care of his dog.	CK	1
1029054	Tom doesn't like the way Mary treats her dog.	CK	1
1095110	Tom couldn't go anywhere without his dog.	CK	1
2031524	Do you still want us to take care of your dog?	CK	1
2050673	Tom is outside playing frisbee with his dog.	CK	1
2331867	I had to swerve to avoid hitting the dog.	CK	1
3024446	Do you know anything about training dogs?	CK	1
909584	What do nurses spend most of their time doing?	CK	1
953409	I can't tell you what we ended up doing.	CK	1
2026396	I just wanted to see how Tom was doing.	CK	1
2028667	Tom doesn't want me to see what he's doing.	CK	1
2315021	I didn't think about what I was doing.	CK	1
2331678	I had no idea what I was doing.	CK	1
2358895	I've already made my first million dollars.	CK	1
27304	In general, little girls are fond of dolls.	Nero	1
903689	There is an urgent need for blood donations.	CK	1
2308014	I congratulate you on a job well done.	CK	1
2396018	Don't think I don't appreciate what you've done.	CK	1
39095	Could you move forward so we can close the door?	CK	1
1025722	Tom found an old coin just outside the back door.	CK	1
1025882	Tom dressed himself quickly, then ran out the door.	CK	1