1028208 Tom played the accordion while Mary danced. CK 1 2300237 I came here to warn you that you're in danger. CK 1 2952704 I'd never do anything so dangerous. CK 1 255974 I don't like walking home alone after dark. CK 1 2835608 We only have a few hours until dark. CK 1 291356 He was looking forward to that evening's date. CK 1 2540077 I'm sorry I had to cancel our date. CK 1 2349317 The girl wearing the blue coat is my daughter. CK 1 2566002 I told a bedtime story to my daughter. Hybrid 1 289220 He's always worrying about his daughter. CK 1 1024583 Tom left to go fishing shortly before dawn. CK 1 27396 I'm worn out, because I've been standing all day. NekoKanjya 1 33307 Most Japanese take a bath every day. CK 1 66378 I want to go to America some day. CK 1 69675 You must be worn out after working all day. CK 1 73072 I got tired of lying in bed all day. CK 1 73078 Please be sure to take one dose three times a day. CK 1 249025 We use a lot of water every day. kebukebu 1 252482 I go for a walk every other day. CK 1 252708 I don't like your coming late every day. CK 1 255607 I get up at six almost every day. CK 1 258138 I bought a watch and I lost it the next day. CK 1 260500 I asked him if he would go there the next day. CK 1 267093 Draft beer tastes especially good on a hot day. CK 1 402531 Do you think tomorrow will be a nice day? CK 1 411889 Classes start at nine o'clock every day. Dorenda 1 903817 I think it's time for me to call it a day. CK 1 953535 I need your answer by the end of the day. CK 1 1025211 Tom insists on eating fruit every day. CK 1 1025634 Tom got up at six almost every day. CK 1 1027238 Tom aches all over after working all day. CK 1 1028498 Tom is the man Mary met the other day. CK 1 1029709 Tom asked Mary if she was free the next day. CK 1 1123567 I write in my diary every day. nadsat 1 1140885 Tom went to a concert just the other day. CK 1 1243571 Don't let me down like you did the other day. CK 1 1316319 He's the boy we spoke about the other day. CK 1 1563706 I want your answer by the end of the day. CK 1 1740277 I go to the beach almost every day. Amastan 1 1740676 I take a shower almost every day. Amastan 1 1741749 I wear sunglasses almost every day. Amastan 1 1839568 Tom asks me the same question every day. CK 1 2192212 I haven't had anything to eat all day. acbarbosa 1 2387131 I met Tom and Mary just the other day. CK 1 2407718 I think about that every single day. CK 1 2537928 Tom wouldn't be at the bank this time of day. CK 1 3179718 It looks like today is not my lucky day. WestofEden 1 3287737 I'll stay in Boston for at least one more day. CK 1 2351120 I forgot that today was April Fool's Day. FeuDRenais 1 2208682 I hate being alone on Valentine's Day. CK 1