English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2211

2387607	I need to find out who to give this to.	CK	1
2777239	If you don't want to come, you don't have to.	CK	1
2777243	You don't have to come if you don't want to.	CK	1
3183503	Tom speaks French better than he pretends to.	CK	1
3202684	Can you tell me who I need to talk to?	CK	1
37510	Which dictionary did you refer to?	CK	1
17865	You don't have to go unless you want to.	CK	1
1938776	I thought Tom would want butter on his toast.	CK	1
1397	I won't ask you anything else today.	human600	1
37139	Does Tom have to write the letter today?	CK	1
63605	Quite a few students are absent today.	CK	1
240042	We were married five years ago today.	CK	1
242706	I have a lot of things to do today.	CK	1
242966	We can see Mt. Fuji clearly today.	CK	1
242988	I'm expecting a customer today.	CK	1
253608	I really have to do this work today.	ebricca	1
257601	I promised him that I would come today.	CK	1
296603	He is supposed to be at home today.	CK	1
436643	I have a reservation for today.	lukaszpp	1
554367	I hear that you have a meeting today.	FeuDRenais	1
572970	Tom doesn't have to go to school today.	fanty	1
1024247	Tom said that he feels much better today.	CK	1
1025914	Tom doesn't want to go to school today.	CK	1
1025987	Tom doesn't need to go to work today.	CK	1
1026156	Tom doesn't have any classes today.	CK	1
1026185	Tom doesn't feel up to going today.	CK	1
1026262	Tom didn't wear a tie to work today.	CK	1
1027619	Don't tell Tom about what we did today.	CK	1
1028575	Tom is going to see Mary today.	CK	1
1093990	Tom got a letter from Mary today.	CK	1
1094498	Tom doesn't have much energy today.	CK	1
1094718	Tom didn't know the deadline was today.	CK	1
1094785	Tom didn't get anything done today.	CK	1
1343433	I have a feeling that she'll come today.	CK	1
1532143	Tom got into a fight at school today.	Spamster	1
1632044	I have to go to the doctor today.	Amastan	1
1838103	Tom was the first one to leave work today.	CK	1
1886829	Wasn't it supposed to be hot today?	CK	1
1895648	You told me you wouldn't be here today.	CK	1
1954762	We can't release the prisoners today.	CK	1
2019112	Do you want to make some money today?	CK	1
2044695	Hardly anybody's happy today.	CK	1
2064960	You might get something in the mail today.	CK	1
2185390	I have a lot of work to do today.	Hybrid	1
2291616	I almost got hit by a car today.	CK	1
2329605	I got here a little early today.	CK	1
2377270	I learned a valuable lesson today.	CK	1
2387218	I might have to go home early today.	CK	1
2387420	I nearly got hit by a truck today.	CK	1
2389519	I only found out about that today.	CK	1