English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2197

2395961	Do I have your permission to do so?	CK	1
400237	I don't want to buy this kind of sofa.	sysko	1
1027469	I wish Tom would help me move the sofa.	CK	1
1028056	Tom should have helped Mary move the sofa.	CK	1
2361580	I found your wallet behind the sofa.	CK	1
1874018	Do you really want to be a soldier?	CK	1
3127919	Can you suggest another solution?	CK	1
2028645	I'd like some toast if you are making some.	CK	1
3024200	I'd like to return to Boston someday.	CK	1
2674511	I didn't know you were seeing someone.	WestofEden	1
326528	I want to talk to you about something.	CK	1
1027160	Tom always seems to be reading something.	CK	1
1887587	I need to talk to Tom about something.	CK	1
2026348	Did you want to see me about something?	CK	1
2026936	I'd like you to take a look at something.	CK	1
2031943	I just thought you might want to eat something.	CK	1
2044887	Tom seems to be happy about something.	CK	1
2062945	I've got to talk to you about something.	CK	1
2063198	Is that a euphemism for something?	CK	1
2064952	Do you want me to come cook you something?	CK	1
2267124	I want to consult you about something.	_undertoad	1
2360593	I have to talk to Tom about something.	CK	1
2376621	I know you wanted to show me something.	CK	1
2376622	I know you wanted to tell me something.	CK	1
2387742	I need to speak with you about something.	CK	1
2387757	I need to talk to you about something.	CK	1
2533658	It looked like Tom was searching for something.	CK	1
3287273	Tom seems pretty upset about something.	CK	1
3287292	I think Tom is trying to say something.	CK	1
3287296	You said you wanted to ask me something.	CK	1
3287328	I need to talk with you about something.	CK	1
3287337	You said you wanted to show us something.	CK	1
3287338	You said you needed me to sign something.	CK	1
3287339	Why don't we go to the park or something?	CK	1
3287340	We need to talk with you about something.	CK	1
32699	I would like to see you again sometime.	CK	1
3024467	Come and visit us in Boston sometime.	CK	1
1029013	Tom doesn't understand Mary sometimes.	CK	1
953662	I thought we were going to go somewhere.	CK	1
1355381	I recognize that person from somewhere.	GaryM	1
1887463	I knew I recognized Tom from somewhere.	CK	1
2026540	Do you want to go grab a bite somewhere?	CK	1
2407806	I think I left my keys in here somewhere.	CK	1
258094	I turned over the business to my son.	CK	1
286525	He turned over the business to his son.	CK	1
37271	Tom closed his speech with a beautiful song.	CK	1
252935	I can't remember the tune of that song.	CM	1
703143	I cry every time I hear this song.	papabear	1
1026542	Tom cries every time he hears this song.	CK	1
1026750	Tom can't remember the words of the song.	CK	1