1045006 Tom was trying hard not to laugh out loud. CK 1 1092716 Tom told Mary not to laugh so loudly. CK 1 953324 How can I tell if I'm really in love? CK 1 1029794 Tom and Mary are very much in love. CK 1 1087156 Tom had trouble accepting Mary's love. CK 1 2026415 I want you to have a job that you love. CK 1 2026411 I want Tom to have a job that he loves. CK 1 298794 He attributes his success to good luck. CK 1 1076312 He thinks that his success is due to luck. CK 1 2358935 I've always considered myself lucky. CK 1 248393 We entered the restaurant and had lunch. CK 1 277621 Do you think you could make it before lunch? CK 1 402340 My father made me a delicious lunch. CK 1 953427 I don't like that fat kid who ate your lunch. CK 1 1024362 Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. CK 1 1095285 Tom chose the restaurant where we ate lunch. CK 1 1898256 Please tell Tom he can come back after lunch. CK 1 2325795 I expected you to be here for lunch. CK 1 1093878 Tom had a hunch that Mary was lying. CK 1 2016671 I wanted to believe Tom was lying. CK 1 2300565 I can always tell when Tom is lying. CK 1 2891710 Maybe Tom isn't the one who's lying. CK 1 1024564 Tom likes to write poems and song lyrics. CK 1 494216 The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m. CK 1 681335 Tom left the building at about 6 p.m. Source_VOA 1 1500658 He always gets home at 6:00 p.m. CK 1 2050645 The band starts playing at 8:00 p.m. CK 1 886957 She asked him how to turn on the machine. CK 1 2329627 I got some money from a cash machine. CK 1 2406654 I still have to fix the washing machine. CK 1 3150530 We need to buy a new washing machine. CK 1 1094549 Tom doesn't blame Mary for being mad. CK 1 326039 I insist that exceptions not be made. CM 1 794086 The reservation is already made. FeuDRenais 1 320720 My mother is reading a magazine. CK 1 1397606 I want to send this by registered mail. CK 1 54945 I'd like to send this by registered mail. CK 1 455287 The smoke alarm has never been maintained. CK 1 2772977 We still have a few decisions to make. CK 1 1108352 Tom thinks that Mary wears too much makeup. CK 1 2643017 Mary isn't wearing any makeup. CK 1 1954586 We can't let Tom wander around the mall. CK 1 260113 I am sure that he is an honest man. CK 1 1026694 Tom claimed he was the son of a rich man. CK 1 1093487 Tom is an extremely good-looking man. CK 1 1244950 Tom claimed to be the son of a rich man. Eldad 1 73492 With a hundred dollars, I could manage. CM 1 1662299 Tom is complaining to the manager. Amastan 1 3181909 I've already talked to the manager. CK 1 953253 Dr. Jackson has a good bedside manner. CK 1