255139 I presented my ticket at the door. CK 1 258855 I saw a stranger standing at the door. CK 1 1024677 Tom isn't sure whether he locked the door. CK 1 1839570 Tom got into the car and slammed the door. CK 1 1877565 Tom twisted the knob and opened the door. CK 1 2561716 There was a handwritten note on the door. Hybrid 1 1024753 Tom is waiting for you at the front door. CK 1 2640649 Tom and Mary left through different doors. CK 1 1093954 Tom got locked out of his dormitory. CK 1 1423247 We all live in the same dormitory. CK 1 37336 Tom was walking slowly with his head down. CK 1 39221 Could you please turn your television down? CK 1 44448 Take care not to turn the box upside down. CM 1 54206 I can't check my mail. The server is down. CK 1 1025530 Tom had to walk home since his car broke down. CK 1 1029837 Tom and Mary had their old house torn down. CK 1 1397731 The house we used to live in was torn down. CK 1 1994428 Tom was in trouble and we let him down. CK 1 2026905 I think you're going to want to sit down. CK 1 2406353 I should probably be writing this down. CK 1 2847294 Tom is incredibly bad at drawing. eirik174 1 2045364 Going to Boston was Tom's lifelong dream. CK 1 327637 I like the simplicity of her dress. CK 1 953329 How do you think you'd look wearing that dress? CK 1 1028329 Tom loved the color of Mary's new dress. CK 1 1960927 Tom pinned a white corsage on Mary's dress. CK 1 2019227 You obviously want to buy that dress. CK 1 2793970 Do you like the color of Mary's dress? CK 1 1029273 Tom didn't notice how Mary was dressed. CK 1 1868198 Tom is in the other room getting dressed. CK 1 407685 This coffee is too hot for me to drink. CK 1 1029731 Tom asked Mary for something hot to drink. CK 1 1093766 Tom handed Mary an energy drink. CK 1 2199752 I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. Hybrid 1 2401217 Tom wants to know what you would like to drink. CK 1 2740711 If you drink, don't drive. If you drive, don't drink. CK 1 3287388 Tom said he wanted something cold to drink. CK 1 1027325 The doctor advised Tom to stop drinking. CK 1 2031540 I don't want Tom to drive. He's been drinking. CK 1 1877446 Tom and Mary both don't know how to drive. CK 1 2406172 I saw Tom's car pull into the driveway. CK 1 952871 Tom was arrested for drunken driving. CK 1 644333 It's quiet enough to hear a pin drop. CK 1 278727 All the passengers were saved from drowning. CK 1 303841 He was dropped from the team for using drugs. CK 1 1543174 Tom was arrested for driving while drunk. Bah_Dure 1 2958707 Tom whispered something into Mary's ear. CK 1 2406198 I saw you talking to Tom earlier. CK 1 2663248 We had a little problem earlier. CK 1 3202120 Why didn't you tell me this earlier? CK 1