English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2075

1026331	Tom didn't live in Boston last year.	CK	1
1026972	Tom bought several cameras last year.	CK	1
1040500	Tom's been out of work for half a year.	CK	1
1093142	Tom plans to go to college next year.	CK	1
1095976	Tom and Mary got divorced last year.	CK	1
1140126	I won't be getting married this year.	CK	1
2016577	Do you really want to wait a year?	CK	1
2045827	You get more handsome every year.	CK	1
2541279	I've only been in Boston a year.	CK	1
2641085	Tom started studying French last year.	CK	1
2712940	I'm going to Australia next year.	CK	1
2952260	I heard Tom won't graduate this year.	CK	1
2952733	I'll go to Boston later this year.	CK	1
68279	You seem to have had that car for years.	CK	1
288503	He has been in Japan for two years.	CK	1
298053	He is younger than me by three years.	CK	1
756079	I was a teacher for fifteen years.	Nevado	1
960509	Tom has been on death row for three years.	CK	1
1025428	Tom has been in prison for three years.	CK	1
1093558	Tom hasn't talked to Mary in years.	CK	1
1093566	Tom hasn't played the guitar for years.	CK	1
1904821	Tom has been retired for twenty years.	CK	1
1970199	I've been friends with Tom for many years.	CK	1
2359160	I've been in Australia several years.	CK	1
2359246	I've been studying French for three years.	CK	1
2359336	I've been wanting to meet you for years.	CK	1
2359349	I've been working on this for three years.	CK	1
2359353	I've been worried about Tom for years.	CK	1
2359841	I haven't had this much fun in years.	CK	1
2360245	I haven't seen one of these in years.	CK	1
2360404	I haven't thought about Tom in years.	CK	1
2401171	Tom lived in Boston for a few years.	CK	1
2538647	Tom has lived in Boston for three years.	CK	1
2982316	I haven't seen these pictures in years.	Hybrid	1
3023441	Tom lived in Boston for 30 years.	CK	1
3023807	Tom has been in Boston for three years.	CK	1
3024263	I studied in Boston for three years.	CK	1
3114007	We've been together for thirty years.	CK	1
3131628	That's not going to happen for years.	CK	1
3183495	I haven't spoken French in three years.	CK	1
284079	He has been in Japan for three years.	CK	1
397029	The door of the office is yellow.	FeuDRenais	1
59866	This desk cost me 20,000 yen.	CK	1
476643	It'll cost about 10,000 yen.	CK	1
56434	This watch cost 70,000 yen.	CK	1
1029025	Tom doesn't think Mary will say yes.	CK	1
1897676	If it were up to me, I'd say yes.	CK	1
2019224	You don't seem to want me to say yes.	CK	1
2541372	I'm going to take that as a yes.	CK	1
3202081	Don't tell me Tom finally said yes.	CK	1