English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 205

1027398	It's all Tom's fault.	CK	1
1780024	It's all your fault.	Spamster	1
1897805	That's not my fault.	CK	1
1897809	That's not Tom's fault.	CK	1
2549315	I'm not at fault.	CK	1
2647079	That was Tom's fault.	CK	1
2647130	It's not Tom's fault.	CK	1
2648094	It was their fault.	CK	1
2648410	This was my fault.	CK	1
2648438	That was my fault.	CK	1
2648489	It was your fault.	CK	1
3006097	It's not your fault.	CK	1
2249149	It's our fault.	CK	1
3374077	That's our fault.	CK	1
1898107	This is my fault.	CK	1
321324	It's not my fault.	CK	1
2262211	It was Tom's fault.	CK	1
64308	This is your fault.	CK	1
2648933	Tom isn't fazed.	CK	1
2548482	We're with the FBI.	CK	1
2549327	I'm from the FBI.	CK	1
1891161	I'm with the FBI.	CK	1
2301336	I can smell fear.	CK	1
2202854	Tom is fearless.	CK	1
2648828	Has Tom been fed?	CK	1
2261905	How does Tom feel?	CK	1
2648245	What did you feel?	CK	1
2648622	What do you feel?	CK	1
2648819	How do they feel?	CK	1
25724	How do you feel?	CK	1
1885908	How does that feel?	CK	1
2243314	They shared feelings.	CK	1
259244	I have sore feet.	CK	1
315604	She has small feet.	CK	1
2648375	Tom got cold feet.	CK	1
2649890	Tom has flat feet.	sharptoothed	1
2821689	Tom has big feet.	CK	1
2404167	I rubbed my feet.	CK	1
1155872	Tom scrubbed his feet.	CK	1
1867828	Tom tripped and fell.	CK	1
1867893	Tom slipped and fell.	CK	1
322492	The curtain fell.	CM	1
2646404	Tom hurdled the fence.	CK	1
2646455	Tom climbed the fence.	CK	1
250142	Give me a few.	CK	1
2050564	I played right field.	CK	1
2719939	Tom plowed the field.	Amastan	1
443637	I saw a fight.	FeuDRenais	1
2011459	Who wants to fight?	CK	1
2274023	You have to fight.	CK	1