English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2039

2542156	Tom wouldn't actually do that.	CK	1
2542371	I'm really excited about that.	CK	1
2588794	Are you sure you don't want to do that?	CK	1
2641397	What're we supposed to do with that?	CK	1
2641413	We all know that Tom didn't do that.	CK	1
2641661	Tom doesn't sound happy about that.	CK	1
2641758	Do you have enough time to do that?	CK	1
2663061	Tom doesn't have a problem with that.	CK	1
2663200	Do you have any problem with that?	CK	1
2713181	Do you actually believe that?	CK	1
2743553	Tom isn't strong enough to lift that.	CK	1
2744396	Do you expect us to believe that?	CK	1
2744397	Do you expect me to believe that?	CK	1
2833884	I have nothing else to add to that.	Nero	1
2835601	You're not supposed to be doing that.	CK	1
2891086	Do you know anything about that?	CK	1
2891381	I expect Tom won't want to do that.	CK	1
2892675	What're you going to do with that?	CK	1
2897090	I wasn't really certain of that.	megamanenm	1
2952019	I don't remember promising that.	CK	1
2953660	We have to do something about that.	CK	1
2953889	We're all in agreement about that.	CK	1
2955053	You're the only one who can do that.	CK	1
2980400	I would never do something like that.	Hybrid	1
3099050	You don't have to worry about that.	CK	1
3099055	You don't need to worry about that.	CK	1
3123185	I'm not the one who has to do that.	CK	1
3127922	Nobody's suggesting you do that.	CK	1
3181955	It's hard for Tom to talk about that.	CK	1
3191822	We probably shouldn't have done that.	CK	1
3191825	Maybe you shouldn't be doing that.	CK	1
3201599	Why didn't you ever tell me that?	CK	1
3201700	I didn't tell Tom not to do that.	CK	1
3202326	You'd better tell Tom not to do that.	CK	1
3202542	Are you telling me you can't do that?	CK	1
3202686	Can you tell me what you mean by that?	CK	1
3287196	There's nothing I can do about that.	CK	1
3287217	We've got to do something about that.	CK	1
3287294	How could I forget something like that?	CK	1
3330137	I don't know if we can count on that.	CK	1
3330138	I'll have to get back to you on that.	CK	1
3330141	I'll see what I can do about that.	CK	1
3330142	I don't even know why I did that.	CK	1
3355248	Are you really going to do that?	CK	1
3356316	You seem pretty certain about that.	CK	1
3358915	You really didn't have to do that.	CK	1
3371215	I'm sure Tom is going to like that.	CK	1
2269335	I didn't even consider that.	CK	1
3235363	Tom doesn't have the right to say that.	_undertoad	1
26437	I was at a movie theater.	CK	1