886951 She argued with him about money. CK 1 886974 She asked him to give her some money. CK 1 903698 There is an urgent need for money. CK 1 1025037 Tom is generous with his money. CK 1 1026647 Tom confessed to stealing the money. CK 1 1027146 Tom always wished he had more money. CK 1 1028108 Tom saw me give Mary some money. CK 1 1028132 Tom robbed Mary of all her money. CK 1 1028880 Tom gave Mary plenty of money. CK 1 1092192 Tom worries a lot about money. CK 1 1094493 Tom doesn't have that kind of money. CK 1 1222716 A group of gangsters stole the money. CK 1 1543608 Tom owed Mary a lot of money. CK 1 1887621 I really don't have enough money. CK 1 1895597 You're lucky Tom lent your some money. CK 1 1954660 We can't offer you any money. CK 1 2091201 No one will give me any money. CK 1 2246676 Why do you keep giving Tom money? Hybrid 1 2291388 He donated a lot of money. CK 1 2308189 I could use a little more money. CK 1 2314893 I didn't do that for the money. CK 1 2323231 I don't think we have enough money. CK 1 2326236 I figured I had enough money. CK 1 2376243 I know Tom worries about money. CK 1 2376538 I know you don't care about money. CK 1 2540993 I'll see if Tom has enough money. CK 1 2643282 Tom didn't give me any money. CK 1 2766903 We don't have any extra money. CK 1 2954209 Why didn't you just take the money? CK 1 3113199 You shouldn't lend Tom any money. CK 1 3130929 What happened to all our money? CK 1 3152248 We didn't give you any money. CK 1 3153849 Tom could've given me more money. CK 1 3241680 Tom's plan saved us a lot of money. CK 1 3281704 That sounds like a big waste of money. CK 1 3357714 Tom will do anything for money. CK 1 70266 How many books do you read a month? CK 1 242011 Please wait until the end of this month. CK 1 257209 I go to the movies once a month. CK 1 272699 I forgot that I met her last month. CK 1 286822 His new novel will come out next month. Eldad 1 295902 He plays golf two or three times a month. CK 1 295904 He gets a haircut three times a month. CK 1 309453 Her new novel will come out next month. CK 1 315445 She was in America last month. CK 1 320814 My mother has been sick since last month. CK 1 325034 The loss must be made up for next month. CK 1 371990 Her new novel will be out next month. saeb 1 463862 I go to the barber once a month. FeuDRenais 1 1023956 Tom was released from prison last month. CK 1