English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1978

700651	That man was wearing a tiger mask.	papabear	1
255674	I found the key underneath the mat.	CK	1
2388237	I never was very good at math.	CK	1
50421	I said nothing about the matter.	CK	1
254711	I am thinking about that matter.	CK	1
290750	He will advise you on that matter.	CK	1
887395	She spoke to him about the matter.	CK	1
1954921	I can't stay silent on this matter.	CK	1
2018879	What you want doesn't really matter.	CK	1
2330065	I guess it shouldn't really matter.	CK	1
2395933	Are you saying this doesn't matter?	CK	1
2540178	I'd like you to handle this matter.	CK	1
1936358	I'd like to speak to Tom if I may.	CK	1
16772	You are always finding fault with me.	CK	1
38652	I wonder why nobody told me.	papabear	1
43489	The theory is too abstract for me.	CK	1
55992	This is secret between you and me.	CK	1
69297	I'm afraid you misunderstood me.	CK	1
73359	Eleven o'clock is good for me.	CK	1
250156	I don't like the way he speaks to me.	CK	1
260076	I was banking on him to help me.	CM	1
262436	I have a lot of friends to help me.	CK	1
268115	Thank you so much for inviting me.	CK	1
283335	He was a great influence on me.	CK	1
297523	He has been like a father to me.	CK	1
304034	He introduced his daughter to me.	CK	1
310672	She came from Canada to see me.	CK	1
436535	I don't have any money on me.	lukaszpp	1
436707	I hope they aren't deceiving me.	lukaszpp	1
481624	He introduced his sister to me.	CK	1
484057	My mother made a sweater for me.	CK	1
564162	I thought you'd be happy to see me.	darinmex	1
632436	Would you please explain the rules to me?	CK	1
953429	I don't need you to take care of me.	CK	1
953620	I still love the way you smile at me.	CK	1
1027550	I doubt that Tom would remember me.	CK	1
1039537	Won't you go to the concert with me?	CK	1
1093088	Tom recommended this book to me.	CK	1
1094307	Tom doesn't think you understand me.	CK	1
1094700	Tom didn't look happy to see me.	CK	1
1164373	Tom never ceases to amaze me.	CK	1
1324288	I thought that you wanted to see me.	Scott	1
1495761	I didn't ask Tom to wait for me.	CK	1
1553426	Is there something you want to tell me?	CK	1
1553442	I wonder why Tom didn't call me.	CK	1
1647762	I won't forgive what you did to me.	Spamster	1
1886198	Did Tom give you anything for me?	CK	1
1887505	I know Tom says he doesn't like me.	CK	1
1887524	I know you don't want to talk to me.	CK	1
1892660	I gave Tom a chance to work with me.	CK	1