2237238 Tom looks dreadful. CK 1 2248820 It was dreadful. CK 1 2233672 This is dreadful. CK 1 1556970 Was it a dream? brymck 1 1630 I have a dream. al_ex_an_der 1 2045336 Is this a dream? CK 1 2045335 I like to dream. CK 1 1887889 I want to dream. CK 1 1276142 Why do we dream? CK 1 2648787 It's not a dream. CK 1 2045339 It's all a dream. CK 1 2045344 It's a pipe dream. CK 1 1260753 It's like a dream. CK 1 2045341 You're a dreamer. CK 1 2045347 You're the dreamer. CK 1 1474616 Am I dreaming? Chrikaru 1 2045333 I was dreaming. CK 1 2244595 Is Tom dreaming? CK 1 1662339 Tom is dreaming. Amastan 1 2248141 I'm not dreaming. CK 1 2045340 You are dreaming. CK 1 2262036 I'm sure Tom dreams. CK 1 2647716 Did you have dreams? CK 1 2045334 Everyone dreams. CK 1 2045346 Follow your dreams. CK 1 2377629 I like your dress. CK 1 2380244 I love your dress. CK 1 2549159 I like that dress. CK 1 1887550 I love that dress. CK 1 2248007 I'm getting dressed. CK 1 2647270 Why are you dressed? CK 1 2218242 You aren't dressed. CK 1 909489 She was well-dressed. CK 1 2194324 I know the drill. Hybrid 1 2647478 Tom knows the drill. CK 1 2649013 Is this a drill? CK 1 1244358 I need a drink. Shishir 1 2007787 Let's have a drink. CK 1 2237759 Tom shouldn't drink. CK 1 2245498 Finish your drink. CK 1 2247411 I shouldn't drink. CK 1 2646304 Tom spilled his drink. CK 1 2646306 Tom slurped his drink. CK 1 2646863 Tom sipped his drink. CK 1 2646929 Tom killed his drink. CK 1 2647002 Tom downed his drink. CK 1 2648132 Here, have a drink. CK 1 2648588 You need a drink. CK 1 2648987 Mix Tom a drink. CK 1 2649052 Buy Tom a drink. CK 1