English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1939

2538832	Tom told Mary that her French was good.	CK	1
1094661	Tom didn't so much as say goodbye.	CK	1
2890967	Aren't you going to say goodbye?	CK	1
1094885	Tom deserved the punishment he got.	CK	1
2025828	Do you want to see what else I've got?	CK	1
2643230	Tom isn't a college graduate.	CK	1
307809	He reminds me of my grandfather.	CK	1
1774047	Tom was my great-great-great-grandfather.	Spamster	1
1839455	Do you remember your grandfather?	CK	1
3360471	Tom used to work for my grandfather.	CK	1
300795	He is afraid of his grandfather.	CK	1
310591	She was brought up by her grandmother.	furagwa	1
1876650	We spent the afternoon eating grapes.	marcelostockle	1
2953747	We owe you a debt of gratitude.	CK	1
2641278	Tom put some flowers on Mary's grave.	CK	1
2609640	Tides are caused by the moon's gravity.	WestofEden	1
2408520	I think what Tom is doing is great.	CK	1
1936536	I'd like to be a part of your group.	CK	1
2033650	Tom doesn't want to join our group.	CK	1
1039447	I don't like to travel with large groups.	GPHemsley	1
327479	The palace was heavily guarded.	CK	1
260157	I was convinced that he was guilty.	CK	1
298562	He admitted that he was guilty.	CK	1
2006544	Tom was feeling a little guilty.	Spamster	1
2014685	I want to be sure Tom is guilty.	CK	1
3157422	What convinced you Tom wasn't guilty?	CK	1
289619	He is able to play the guitar.	CK	1
2016579	Do you want me to bring my guitar?	CK	1
2018756	Do you want to learn to play guitar?	CK	1
1024193	Tom seems to be a good guitarist.	CK	1
954024	Isn't it true that you own a gun?	CK	1
1040564	Tom sat on the stump loading his gun.	CK	1
1027115	Tom appears to be a friendly guy.	CK	1
2573630	I think I'm a pretty normal guy.	Hybrid	1
2986386	Tom is just an ordinary guy.	CK	1
2540483	I'm really going to miss you guys.	CK	1
2703105	I enjoy working out in the gym.	catcher	1
67335	I gave her all the money I had.	CK	1
1024182	Tom seldom bothers to comb his hair.	CK	1
1164264	Tom rinsed the shampoo out of his hair.	CK	1
2064949	Did you do something new with your hair?	CK	1
2377643	I liked Tom better with longer hair.	CK	1
1341431	It's about time you got a haircut.	CK	1
44214	The room is at the end of the hall.	CK	1
1025234	Tom heard someone running down the hall.	CK	1
31546	I'm sick and tired of hamburgers.	CK	1
274425	My son is tired of hamburgers.	CK	1
1951508	I can't do it without a hammer.	CK	1
32350	Mary has a flower in her hand.	CK	1
266060	Do you want me to give you a hand?	CK	1