English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1931

682504	The x-ray showed two broken fingers.	Source_VOA	1
1027056	Tom ate the chicken with his fingers.	CK	1
2331884	I had to wait for Tom to finish.	CK	1
2028424	Tom wants to know when you'll be finished.	CK	1
2540548	I'm aware you've already finished.	CK	1
3370866	Could you please wait until I'm finished?	CK	1
663924	Since it was cold, we made a fire.	bluepie88	1
673784	It was cold, so we lit a fire.	CK	1
954075	It's dangerous to play with fire.	CK	1
1029864	Tom and Mary died in the fire.	CK	1
2643715	Put another log on the fire.	CK	1
3286277	I'm sure you've heard about the fire.	CK	1
2541025	I wouldn't want you to get fired.	CK	1
1029338	Tom didn't believe Mary at first.	CK	1
2019142	I have something I want to say first.	CK	1
2019177	If you want to come over, call first.	CK	1
2026975	Which room do you want me to clean first?	CK	1
2290430	I didn't recognize it at first.	CK	1
2303615	I can't remember who arrived first.	CK	1
2314964	I didn't know who Tom was at first.	CK	1
2834985	I was confused about that at first.	Hybrid	1
2290431	I didn't recognize Tom at first.	CK	1
2474	I'd rather be a bird than a fish.	fcbond	1
1040547	Tom thinks that Mary drinks like a fish.	CK	1
2006422	Do you sometimes drink red wine with fish?	CK	1
2006513	Tom opened a can of tuna fish.	CK	1
2006577	Tom showed Mary how to gut a fish.	CK	1
257971	As a boy, I used to go fishing.	CK	1
259558	I suggested that we go fishing.	CK	1
2006546	Nobody says you can't go fishing.	CK	1
72515	I want to finish this work by five.	CK	1
253119	I usually go home at five.	CK	1
288595	He arrived at the station at five.	CK	1
1503155	There'll be coffee and cake at five.	CK	1
1893549	Tom and Mary folded up the flag.	CK	1
2293181	I assume both of you brought flashlights.	CK	1
275431	The typhoon caused the river to flood.	CK	1
251775	My apartment is on the fourth floor.	CK	1
1369535	All you have to do is sweep the floor.	CK	1
1877495	Tom is still unconscious on the floor.	CK	1
1877517	Tom picked the broken glass off the floor.	CK	1
2615578	The men's room is on the second floor.	CK	1
60077	Do you know the name of this flower?	CK	1
1396235	She wants to know who sent the flowers.	CK	1
1868280	Tom has been sending Mary flowers.	CK	1
60079	Do you want any of these flowers?	CK	1
2483348	I think I'm coming down with the flu.	sharptoothed	1
56786	I can't see the road signs in this fog.	CK	1
2266972	I got a long letter from my folks.	_undertoad	1
254516	I didn't need to pay for the food.	Goofy	1