English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1926

461200	Do you know if she can speak English?	CK	1
847423	How do you say "kaisha" in English?	Eldad	1
1025828	Tom expressed himself in good English.	CK	1
1312867	How do you say "yuri" in English?	CK	1
1392584	I have very few books in English.	CK	1
2244877	My mother doesn't speak much English.	CK	1
2774117	Tom is better at French than English.	CK	1
2956236	Tom can speak French as well as English.	CK	1
489199	Translate this sentence into English.	adjusting	1
2451317	Is French more difficult than English?	CK	1
37624	How long have you been learning English?	CK	1
3185268	We hope your stay was enjoyable.	CK	1
57327	This room is just about big enough.	CK	1
2033672	I want to make sure there is enough.	CK	1
2318244	I don't know if this will be enough.	CK	1
2326256	I figured Tom wasn't old enough.	CK	1
2359276	I've been to Boston often enough.	CK	1
3330533	I think I'm not aggressive enough.	CK	1
3330534	I think I'm not assertive enough.	CK	1
3330535	I wasn't competitive enough.	CK	1
3330536	I wasn't innovative enough.	CK	1
2237462	Tom nodded enthusiastically.	CK	1
316096	She saw a young man at the entrance.	CK	1
887129	She found him standing near the entrance.	CK	1
454405	I already have an envelope.	FeuDRenais	1
2643609	Tom handed Mary an envelope.	CK	1
2272949	Tom is an environmentalist.	CK	1
2541884	I'm going to run a few errands.	CK	1
2281753	We didn't help anyone escape.	CK	1
1028815	Tom had Mary correct his essay.	CK	1
325848	Good eating habits are essential.	CM	1
2245469	Everyone's been evacuated.	CK	1
27300	I read the whole book in one evening.	CK	1
242637	We can deliver it this evening.	CK	1
243244	I have some work to do this evening.	CK	1
1024562	Tom likes watching TV in the evening.	CK	1
1093565	Tom hasn't said a word all evening.	CK	1
2427852	It began to rain in the evening.	CK	1
2643124	We'll all be dead eventually.	CK	1
3171096	Tom will be back eventually.	CK	1
2045815	You look as beautiful as ever.	CK	1
2957063	Tom is as impatient as ever.	CK	1
293001	He was laughed at by everybody.	CK	1
1167515	Tom is friendly to everybody.	CK	1
1950716	You can't be friends with everybody.	CK	1
2094770	I'm going to tell everybody.	CK	1
2094786	I get along with everybody.	CK	1
2543444	I'm worried about everybody.	CK	1
2543462	I'm suspicious of everybody.	CK	1
2712885	There's enough room for everybody.	CK	1