English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1920

2628697	I seldom watch documentaries.	learnaspossible	1
1024746	Tom is well paid for the work he does.	CK	1
1893818	We have to get back before Tom does.	CK	1
1960922	Tom has a longer beard than John does.	CK	1
2376525	I know you better than your wife does.	CK	1
2451291	Tom speaks French as well as Mary does.	CK	1
3093756	We've got to find it before Tom does.	CK	1
3183499	I speak French much better than Tom does.	CK	1
237380	Tom fed his leftovers to his dog.	CK	1
247125	I'd like you to look after my dog.	CK	1
285993	He painted a picture of a dog.	CK	1
324680	In the evening, I walk with my dog.	CM	1
682290	Tom used old towels to dry the dog.	Source_VOA	1
898534	How much should I be feeding my dog?	CK	1
898548	When is the best time to feed your dog?	CK	1
898575	She is the one who feeds our dog.	CK	1
1029849	Tom and Mary fought like cat and dog.	CK	1
1095458	Tom certainly has a well-trained dog.	CK	1
1884465	Tom put a flea collar on his dog.	CK	1
1904825	Tom saw a couple walking their dog.	CK	1
2016864	I don't want to take care of a dog.	CK	1
2540670	I told Tom I'd look after his dog.	CK	1
36443	He asked me what I had been doing.	CK	1
1079412	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
1094714	Tom didn't know what he was doing.	CK	1
1867698	Tom wondered what Mary was doing.	CK	1
2014697	I want to know how Tom is doing.	CK	1
2016831	Do you want to know what I'm doing?	CK	1
2300217	I came by to see how you're doing.	CK	1
2300232	I came here to see how you're doing.	CK	1
2308155	I could never do what you're doing.	CK	1
2314954	I didn't know what I was doing.	CK	1
2375886	I know exactly what you're doing.	CK	1
2376316	I know what the Jacksons were doing.	CK	1
2388139	I never knew what Tom was doing.	CK	1
2396031	Don't you realize what Tom is doing?	CK	1
2407791	I think I know what Tom is doing.	CK	1
2957426	Tom knows precisely what he's doing.	CK	1
3202337	You haven't told me what we're doing.	CK	1
3287288	That's something I'd like to try doing.	CK	1
1028882	Tom gave Mary an expensive doll.	CK	1
73211	Could you give me change for a dollar?	CK	1
42836	It will cost around fifteen dollars.	CK	1
291649	He only had 100 dollars.	CK	1
1025533	Tom had to pay a few more dollars.	CK	1
1093162	Tom owes Mary three hundred dollars.	CK	1
1164340	Tom owes Mary 300 dollars.	CK	1
2235419	I wish I had a million dollars.	Hybrid	1
2709895	Tom drew a picture of a dolphin.	CK	1
437967	There's still plenty that needs to be done.	aliene	1