2541467 I'd rather not take any chances. CK 1 1954744 You can't really expect Tom to change. CK 1 2892126 There isn't going to be a change. CK 1 3241550 What do you know about climate change? CK 1 1092965 Tom seems to be unwilling to change. CK 1 2540121 I'm having my name legally changed. CK 1 40190 Do you mind if I change the channel? CK 1 2389534 I only read the first three chapters. CK 1 3056562 Tom is a good judge of character. WestofEden 1 2050641 Tom isn't good at playing charades. CK 1 272279 Can I speak to the person in charge? CK 1 2033759 I'd like to speak with someone in charge. CK 1 1951470 You can't deny that Tom is charming. CK 1 1027306 The teacher accused Tom of cheating. CK 1 36927 I'd like to cash a travelers' check. CK 1 36929 Do you have any travelers' checks? CK 1 1028435 Tom kissed Mary lightly on the cheek. CK 1 1028891 Tom gave Mary a peck on the cheek. CK 1 1094029 Tom gave Mary a kiss on the cheek. CK 1 1164521 Tom hardly ever loses at chess. CK 1 2050657 Would you like to play a game of chess? CK 1 762128 The boy hugged the puppy to his chest. CK 1 3023236 We flew from Boston to Chicago. CK 1 3023865 Tom flew from Boston to Chicago. CK 1 3024347 I flew from Boston to Chicago. CK 1 3024387 How far is Boston from Chicago? CK 1 294511 He was promoted to section chief. CK 1 22984 We searched the woods for the missing child. CK 1 487901 I could swim well when I was a child. CK 1 1029967 Tom always treats Mary like a child. CK 1 2396188 I'm not the only one with a child. CK 1 2590857 I don't want to talk about my child. CK 1 59318 This park reminds me of my childhood. CM 1 887446 She told him all about her childhood. CK 1 1758 I am married and have two children. brauliobezerra 1 245622 You should not give liquor to children. CK 1 245718 I am thinking about my children. CK 1 1024215 Tom says that he doesn't like children. CK 1 1024836 Tom is the father of three children. CK 1 1024953 Tom is married and has three children. CK 1 1028321 Tom made cookies for Mary's children. CK 1 1029612 Tom asked Mary to watch the children. CK 1 1523543 Tom and Mary acted like children. Spamster 1 1874032 Do you really want to have children? CK 1 2301907 I can't believe that Tom has children. CK 1 1093226 Tom made me a cup of hot chocolate. CK 1 249129 We are faced with a difficult choice. CK 1 1029586 Tom believes Mary made the right choice. CK 1 1334619 I did it because I had no choice. CK 1 2028619 I just don't want to make the wrong choice. CK 1