English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1885

1884427	Tom wants to keep things the way they are.	CK	1
1886082	Do you know where Tom and Mary are?	CK	1
1951401	We can't choose who our parents are.	CK	1
2018761	Do you want to tell me who they are?	CK	1
2026423	I want you to stay right where you are.	CK	1
2033730	I want to keep things the way they are.	CK	1
2045830	Do you know how beautiful you are?	CK	1
2197673	I have no idea where we are.	Hybrid	1
2300616	I can be as stubborn as you are.	CK	1
2322699	I don't know who any of you are.	CK	1
2360141	I have no idea who you are.	CK	1
2539979	Tom isn't much younger than we are.	CK	1
2540802	Tom isn't much older than we are.	CK	1
2541924	I'm as disappointed as you are.	CK	1
2712892	I'm about the same age as you are.	CK	1
3123020	I'm just as mystified as you are.	CK	1
321760	I wish I were as smart as you are.	CK	1
906877	What's your favorite ski area?	CK	1
2486681	There is no beach in this area.	CK	1
2592859	It rarely snows in this area.	WestofEden	1
2954946	You're in a restricted area.	CK	1
1304631	Every time they talk, they argue.	CK	1
2643667	Tom and Mary began to argue.	CK	1
3374127	Tom and Mary started to argue.	CK	1
1872455	Tom saw Mary and John arguing.	CK	1
2288899	Don't you two ever stop arguing?	CK	1
2329593	I got a B in arithmetic.	CK	1
238148	The policeman caught him by the arm.	CK	1
316165	She had a white book under her arm.	CK	1
1025453	Tom has a tattoo on his left arm.	CK	1
1025777	Tom felt something crawling on his arm.	CK	1
1093880	Tom had a heart tattooed on his arm.	CK	1
1164305	Tom put a bandage on Mary's arm.	CK	1
1236479	The policeman grabbed the robber's arm.	CK	1
1497645	Tom is holding Mary in his arms.	Spamster	1
295663	He was drafted into the army.	CK	1
1868287	Tom has been following me around.	CK	1
1872467	Tom opened his eyes and looked around.	CK	1
2044773	I'd be happy to show you around.	CK	1
2361310	I don't leave money lying around.	CK	1
3109472	We had to make other arrangements.	CK	1
2358843	I have a warrant for Tom's arrest.	CK	1
3369456	The three of you are under arrest.	CK	1
2396079	I don't know why Tom was arrested.	CK	1
549583	Tom was the very last to arrive.	CK	1
1092213	Tom wondered when Mary would arrive.	CK	1
2007243	Let's ask Tom when he thinks he'll arrive.	CK	1
2262794	When does Tom usually arrive?	CK	1
1316117	He let me know that he had arrived.	CK	1
2387697	I need to leave before Tom arrives.	CK	1