English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1877

1094669	Tom didn't say anything at all.	CK	1
1318835	I don't know how to play golf at all.	CK	1
1534772	I didn't like what he said at all.	CK	1
2016600	I didn't want to come here at all.	CK	1
2019146	I just want to say thanks to you all.	CK	1
2025874	I just want to look at it, that's all.	CK	1
2198917	I didn't find it funny at all.	Hybrid	1
2408499	I think we're going to need it all.	CK	1
2663224	That won't be any problem at all.	CK	1
2835634	Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all.	CK	1
2946931	The medicine didn't help at all.	CK	1
2952219	I heard that Tom can't speak French at all.	CK	1
2953932	We're not so different after all.	CK	1
2954925	You're an inspiration to us all.	CK	1
2290387	I didn't know you had allergies.	CK	1
1874267	Tom moved through the dimly-lit alley.	CK	1
2944654	The export of arms was not allowed.	CK	1
64878	You are too young to travel alone.	CK	1
252664	I don't like your going out alone.	CK	1
256372	I had to do everything alone.	CK	1
312077	She promised not to go out alone.	CK	1
314130	She told me not to go there alone.	CK	1
317578	We thought it wrong to leave her alone.	CK	1
886897	She advised him to go there alone.	CK	1
1024798	Tom is too young to travel alone.	CK	1
1027924	Tom told Mary not to swim alone.	CK	1
1318042	Tom doesn't want to go there alone.	Eldad	1
1432364	I'm getting used to eating alone.	bmaynard87	1
1954594	I can't let you go in there alone.	CK	1
2015261	Tom doesn't want to travel alone.	CK	1
2016583	Do you want me to leave you alone?	CK	1
2016633	I just want Tom to leave me alone.	CK	1
2016871	I just don't want to be left alone.	CK	1
2591002	I'm not telling you to go alone.	CK	1
2686558	Go away. I want to be alone.	CK	1
2208503	I didn't really do it alone.	CK	1
2208533	I'm unable to function alone.	CK	1
2208576	Tom saw Mary return home alone.	CK	1
2208575	Maybe Tom wasn't working alone.	CK	1
2208574	It's great to finally be alone.	CK	1
2208565	Can I have a few minutes alone?	CK	1
2208596	Tom insists on seeing you alone.	CK	1
2208582	All we want is to be left alone.	CK	1
2208625	You're going to have to go alone.	CK	1
2208615	Some people like to travel alone.	CK	1
2208613	I've gotten used to living alone.	CK	1
2208607	Do I need to meet with Tom alone?	CK	1
2208633	Maybe I just need some time alone.	CK	1
2208631	I'm not letting you do this alone.	CK	1
2208630	I know what it's like to be alone.	CK	1