English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1843

3199043	I've made a picnic lunch for us.	CK	1
3200503	Why didn't you ever tell us?	CK	1
3201055	What are you trying to tell us?	CK	1
3129984	Why is this happening to us?	CK	1
283461	I expect that he will help us.	CK	1
2408380	I think Tom wants to come with us.	CK	1
57968	This word is not in common use.	Nero	1
954507	What brand of shampoo do you use?	CK	1
1110398	I thought I might be of some use.	Scott	1
2847251	What text editor do you use?	eirik174	1
3340473	I thought it might be of some use.	CK	1
2396175	I'd like to make myself useful.	CK	1
18354	Do you have any vacancies?	CK	1
19794	How did you spend your vacation?	CK	1
1961522	I thought Tom was on vacation.	CK	1
2408352	I think Tom needs a vacation.	CK	1
2408625	I think you need a vacation.	CK	1
2330107	I guess Tom is on vacation.	CK	1
23353	All our efforts were in vain.	CK	1
2064159	Tom has found something valuable.	CK	1
3328453	Can you estimate its value?	CK	1
58093	This ship is bound for Vancouver.	Nero	1
906929	What's your favorite vegetable?	CK	1
2765281	Why don't you eat some vegetables?	CK	1
2647232	Are you a vegetarian?	CK	1
3374664	I'm not a vegetarian.	CK	1
367935	I am a vegetarian.	rike	1
2272886	Tom is a vegetarian.	CK	1
1853636	Do you have the latest version?	Spamster	1
1884412	Tom wasn't the only victim.	CK	1
2012757	Who wants to watch a video?	CK	1
311298	She was born in a small village.	CK	1
3056617	Tom was raised in a small village.	WestofEden	1
2273122	Tom is extremely violent.	CK	1
2661821	I was playing the violin.	sumeyye	1
1548132	Tom is playing the violin.	CK	1
292360	He is a good violinist.	CK	1
1177544	Tom has overstayed his visa.	CK	1
1939395	I would like a tourist visa.	linguine	1
3185857	Why don't I pay Tom a visit?	CK	1
2276006	I don't get many visitors.	CK	1
2281773	We don't get many visitors.	CK	1
2360159	I have no time for visitors.	CK	1
2644567	Has Tom had many visitors?	CK	1
372438	I don't feel like drinking vodka.	ilayde	1
70500	I am happy to hear your voice.	CK	1
1027781	Tom was glad to hear Mary's voice.	CK	1
1095463	Tom certainly has a nice voice.	CK	1
2275908	I didn't recognize your voice.	CK	1
2308123	I could have sworn I heard Tom's voice.	CK	1