English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1785

3287246	There's something I'd like you to see.	CK	1
3287391	There's something here that Tom should see.	CK	1
1950909	I can't believe what I'm seeing.	CK	1
2361120	I don't believe what I'm seeing.	CK	1
1950907	Tom can't believe what he's just seen.	CK	1
2047660	Tom made a careful selection.	CK	1
2155929	I didn't mean to be selfish.	FeuDRenais	1
1094145	Tom failed English last semester.	CK	1
2451450	I'm taking French this semester.	CK	1
2272445	Tom doesn't have seniority.	CK	1
1092809	Tom thinks Mary lacks common sense.	CK	1
2276704	Something doesn't make any sense.	CK	1
2376167	I know this doesn't make much sense.	CK	1
326620	Smell is one of the five senses.	CK	1
2375798	I knew you'd come to your senses.	CK	1
2359096	I've been given a death sentence.	CK	1
906976	What's your favorite TV series?	CK	1
25065	Is it anything serious?	NekoKanjya	1
2146542	I think this guy is serious.	loghaD	1
2269350	It doesn't sound too serious.	CK	1
2275340	Don't think we're always serious.	CK	1
2542347	I'm sure it's nothing serious.	CK	1
2405844	I said I wasn't serious.	CK	1
2091180	No one takes us seriously.	CK	1
2396009	Don't take Tom too seriously.	CK	1
2407194	I take my job seriously.	CK	1
2545885	I'm taking it seriously.	CK	1
3356319	You take things too seriously.	CK	1
2275897	I didn't order room service.	CK	1
2396287	May I be of further service?	CK	1
2541912	I'm glad I could be of service.	CK	1
2044741	Are you happy with the service?	CK	1
241388	The Diet is now in session.	CK	1
72353	Can I hang out here till seven?	CK	1
2644104	Is Mary wearing eye shadow?	CK	1
2273332	Tom is obviously shaken.	CK	1
1028266	Tom noticed Mary's hands shaking.	CK	1
1141000	Tom wants to try a new shampoo.	CK	1
2359727	I've got to get back into shape.	CK	1
2542885	I'm trying to get into shape.	CK	1
2631954	I need a pencil sharpener.	Joseph	1
31897	Mary likes Japan, doesn't she?	CK	1
2544450	Beautiful woman, isn't she?	CK	1
2949909	He handed in his answer sheet.	CK	1
3170539	Tom's face was as white as a sheet.	CK	1
1954723	I can't reach things on the top shelf.	CK	1
2712780	I'm too short to reach the top shelf.	CK	1
2951579	Can you reach what's on the top shelf?	CK	1
3287244	There's something up on the top shelf.	CK	1
263539	The game will be held rain or shine.	CK	1