English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 178

1822875	I miss college.	Spamster	1
2240592	We're in college.	CK	1
37168	Tom changed color.	CM	1
16450	Why can't you come?	CK	1
482281	I knew you'd come.	adjusting	1
1977718	I want to come.	Spamster	1
2210602	Why don't you come?	CK	1
2240251	Tom wouldn't come.	CK	1
2255222	You should've come.	CK	1
2255327	You'd better come.	CK	1
2518145	Why can't Tom come?	Hybrid	1
2547758	I'm glad you've come.	CK	1
2647432	Tom said you'd come.	CK	1
2648584	You need to come.	CK	1
2648606	Why did you come?	CK	1
2649078	We had to come.	CK	1
3171343	Tom has to come.	CK	1
3313117	We knew you'd come.	CK	1
2236209	Tom didn't come.	CK	1
1024453	Tom may not come.	CK	1
317353	She may not come.	CK	1
3091244	Tom wants to come.	CK	1
1552585	When will he come?	CK	1
1495889	When did Tom come?	CK	1
304557	I think he'll come.	CK	1
3060728	Make sure Tom comes.	sharptoothed	1
2237440	Tom never comes.	CK	1
2243634	They're not coming.	CK	1
3162169	Help is coming.	CK	1
65918	I am coming.	CK	1
2244585	Is Tom coming?	CK	1
2203624	Tom is coming.	CK	1
1417464	Are you coming?	CK	1
1885869	How's it coming?	CK	1
2254908	Who's not coming?	CK	1
2240614	We're not coming.	CK	1
1110952	Spring is coming.	mookeee	1
2254907	Who's in command?	CK	1
2218169	You're in command.	CK	1
2202660	I'm committed.	CK	1
2202658	We're committed.	CK	1
2251213	That's quite common.	CK	1
2248642	Is this common?	CK	1
1951417	I can't compete.	CK	1
843959	I would complain.	J_S	1
2215653	Tom will complain.	CK	1
2254943	You can't complain.	CK	1
2187251	Quit complaining.	CK	1
2111503	Stop complaining.	CK	1
1886561	Who's complaining?	CK	1