248838 We got behind the car and pushed. CK 1 2033377 I didn't want to seem pushy. CK 1 1094091 Tom finally solved the puzzle. CK 1 2644291 Tom was genuinely puzzled. CK 1 2852040 What are your qualifications? CK 1 2288894 Don't you think I'm more qualified? CK 1 2208493 I was alone in my quarters. CK 1 292068 He asked a very good question. CK 1 759377 I want to ask you a question. vgigregg 1 1060598 I don't understand your question. CK 1 1094834 Tom didn't answer the question. CK 1 1353297 He was puzzled by the question. CK 1 1672892 I didn't expect that question. Amastan 1 1672898 I didn't expect this question. Amastan 1 1749184 That is a very good question. Spamster 1 1926400 I would like to ask a question. dexique 1 2014342 I'd like to ask you a question. CK 1 2276246 I don't understand the question. CK 1 2276921 That doesn't answer my question. CK 1 2279321 Tom didn't answer your question. CK 1 2282023 You didn't answer my question. CK 1 2282024 You didn't answer the question. CK 1 2288949 Don't make me answer that question. CK 1 2291893 I asked myself that same question. CK 1 2315329 I don't understand that question. CK 1 2359318 I've been waiting for that question. CK 1 2406310 I should ask you the same question. CK 1 2540307 You've got to answer the question. CK 1 2641393 You could've answered that question. CK 1 2641765 You're not answering the question. CK 1 2641987 You're not answering my question. CK 1 2641999 You haven't answered my question. CK 1 2956459 Tom didn't answer my question. CK 1 3142534 Why is it out of the question? CK 1 3142546 What's the answer to my question? CK 1 3142553 Well, that's a difficult question. CK 1 3142646 Tom couldn't answer the question. CK 1 3142647 Tom couldn't answer that question. CK 1 3142720 That's a ridiculous question. CK 1 3142721 That's a reasonable question. CK 1 3142730 That's a legitimate question. CK 1 3142733 That's a fascinating question. CK 1 3142735 That's a complicated question. CK 1 3142772 May I ask a stupid question? CK 1 3142775 Let's start with an easy question. CK 1 3142779 Let me ask another question. CK 1 3142796 It's a legitimate question. CK 1 3142800 It was an innocent question. CK 1 3142801 It was a yes or no question. CK 1 3142818 Is that a serious question? CK 1