English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1761

1095122	Tom couldn't find a place to park.	CK	1
2050633	Some kids are playing in the park.	CK	1
2642532	What're you doing in this park?	CK	1
3287757	We went for a walk in the park.	CK	1
1140884	Tom went to an amusement park.	CK	1
1654255	Tom went to the massage parlor.	Spamster	1
2361942	I've already done the hard part.	CK	1
2543038	I'm auditioning for the part.	CK	1
2013031	I'd like you to participate.	CK	1
2273602	Tom is very particular.	CK	1
1265410	I want you to be my partner.	Scott	1
2013484	Do you want to be my partner?	CK	1
2542392	I'm not looking for a partner.	CK	1
2953906	We're competitors, not partners.	CK	1
58479	This novel consists of three parts.	Eldad	1
254189	I will not attend the party.	CK	1
255357	I cleaned up after the party.	CK	1
276610	Nobody came to the party.	CK	1
1027620	Don't tell Tom about the party.	CK	1
1028110	Tom saw Mary at the party.	CK	1
1096406	It wasn't much of a party.	CK	1
1527819	Tom really enjoyed the party.	Cainntear	1
1868448	Tom brought a date to the party.	CK	1
1887403	I heard that Tom crashed the party.	CK	1
1961822	I thought you'd enjoy the party.	CK	1
2007391	Let's go out and have a party.	CK	1
2013538	I don't want Tom at my party.	CK	1
2210740	Why don't you go to Tom's party?	CK	1
2221135	How long were you at the party?	CK	1
2361536	I don't want a birthday party.	CK	1
2375853	I know all about the party.	CK	1
2402210	Why don't we cancel the party?	CK	1
2542358	I'm sorry I missed your party.	CK	1
2542952	I'm not going to Tom's party.	CK	1
2544173	I'm going to throw a party.	CK	1
2595524	Who's coming to our party?	CK	1
2643371	It's a good time for a party.	CK	1
2953795	We should organize a party.	CK	1
2998854	You should've come to the party.	CK	1
3023958	Tom and Mary crashed John's party.	CK	1
3153709	I want to give Tom a party.	CK	1
3131619	What happens if Tom doesn't pass?	CK	1
301675	He nodded to me as he passed.	CK	1
326235	The train was full of passengers.	CK	1
1868101	Tom kissed Mary passionately.	CK	1
1024184	Tom seems to have lost his passport.	CK	1
2291615	I almost forgot my passport.	CK	1
2293217	I assume you have a passport.	CK	1
2406671	I still need to see your passport.	CK	1
264666	It's time to reflect on your past.	CK	1