English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1745

1396369	They're on good terms with their neighbors.	CK	1
2396090	I don't want to wake my neighbors.	CK	1
2014287	I don't want you to be nervous.	CK	1
2291897	I asked Tom if he was nervous.	CK	1
2330055	I guess I'm a little nervous.	CK	1
2360105	I've never seen you so nervous.	CK	1
2401187	Tom said he felt a bit nervous.	CK	1
2955484	Tom admitted he was nervous.	CK	1
2094840	Everyone seems to be nervous.	CK	1
1304553	Just seeing it made me nervous.	CK	1
2275847	I didn't find anything new.	CK	1
2541881	I'm going to try something new.	CK	1
3264764	Would you like to try something new?	CK	1
2544021	Tom and Mary are newlyweds.	CK	1
248137	We were surprised to hear the news.	CK	1
254173	I was happy to hear the news.	CK	1
254563	I was surprised to hear the news.	CK	1
451856	She panicked when she heard the news.	saeb	1
1975740	That's actually the good news.	CK	1
2015173	I don't want to turn on the news.	CK	1
2953656	We have some encouraging news.	CK	1
3075207	I'm afraid I have some bad news.	CK	1
557331	How did you learn about that news?	CK	1
908730	Who's your favorite newscaster?	CK	1
299949	He was reading a newspaper.	CK	1
247764	We didn't know what to do next.	CK	1
1026084	Tom doesn't know what to do next.	CK	1
1026348	Tom didn't know what to do next.	CK	1
1495786	What're you going to do next?	CK	1
1841549	What are you going to do next?	CK	1
1867791	Tom wants to know what to do next.	CK	1
2438245	I didn't know what to do next.	Hybrid	1
2821275	Tom wasn't sure what to do next.	CK	1
2892449	What are we going to do next?	CK	1
2953730	We need to know what to do next.	CK	1
3131655	Can you tell us what happened next?	CK	1
3359710	Tom said I needed a nickname.	CK	1
37130	Tom didn't have dinner last night.	CK	1
45593	The noise kept me awake all night.	CK	1
244740	I went to bed at twelve last night.	CK	1
244759	We had a heavy rain last night.	CK	1
244766	He dropped in at my house last night.	CK	1
244817	Where on earth did you go last night?	CM	1
244818	When did you go to bed last night?	CK	1
248753	We enjoyed playing chess last night.	CK	1
248754	We went to the movies last night.	CK	1
257849	I had my car stolen last night.	CK	1
293194	He must have drunk too much last night.	CK	1
293312	He often stays up late at night.	CK	1
296939	He saw a UFO flying last night.	CK	1