English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 169

2954617	You need a car.	CK	1
3312253	We'll take my car.	CK	1
2387429	I need a car.	CK	1
513545	He has a car.	CK	1
252272	I have a car.	CK	1
1893766	We need a car.	CK	1
1495910	Tom has a car.	CK	1
263075	We want a car.	CK	1
1839425	Get in the car.	CK	1
718876	I'm in the car.	Nero	1
578794	I'll go by car.	langulo	1
299019	He came by car.	CK	1
56205	This is my car.	CK	1
3363713	Wait in the car.	CK	1
2869909	Go get your car.	CK	1
2387833	I need your car.	CK	1
2334124	I hate this car.	CK	1
2254658	Where's our car?	CK	1
1487638	He bought a car.	marshmallowcat	1
1300736	Follow that car.	CK	1
1164105	I love your car.	Chrikaru	1
1026913	Tom came by car.	CK	1
265462	Let's go by car.	CK	1
257112	I like your car.	CK	1
251080	Where is my car?	xtofu80	1
67035	That is his car.	CK	1
2380253	I loved that car.	CK	1
252939	I bought that car.	CK	1
37098	Tom drove the car.	CK	1
299055	He stopped the car.	CK	1
2245785	I got carded.	CK	1
63503	Please deal the cards.	Eldad	1
1026529	Tom dealt the cards.	CK	1
2252747	They're playing cards.	CK	1
3009261	Let's play some cards.	CK	1
321359	Deal us the cards.	CK	1
2050556	I don't play cards.	CK	1
292203	He's good at cards.	CK	1
1886446	Why would Tom care?	CK	1
2210588	Why don't you care?	CK	1
2236231	Tom doesn't care.	CK	1
2245686	I didn't care.	CK	1
2271938	I still don't care.	CK	1
2272136	They just don't care.	CK	1
2280276	Do you still care?	CK	1
2582096	Why do you care?	CK	1
2648602	Why do they care?	CK	1
2648623	What do you care?	CK	1
3170996	Why should I care?	CK	1
1886773	What do I care?	CK	1