English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1687

682383	Tom is too weak to lift himself.	Source_VOA	1
1024330	Tom prepared dinner by himself.	CK	1
1024568	Tom likes taking walks by himself.	CK	1
1024638	Tom kept the secret to himself.	CK	1
1025543	Tom had the whole house to himself.	CK	1
1093287	Tom likes to do things by himself.	CK	1
1093790	Tom had the whole room to himself.	CK	1
1094862	Tom did everything by himself.	CK	1
1487352	Tom can blame no one but himself.	marshmallowcat	1
1513348	Tom should keep his hands to himself.	Spamster	1
1868318	Tom goes everywhere by himself.	CK	1
1954561	You can't let Tom drink by himself.	CK	1
1954605	Tom can't lift that crate by himself.	CK	1
2057815	Tom is always blaming himself.	CK	1
2360925	I hope Tom's behaving himself.	CK	1
2406164	I saw Tom try to kill himself.	CK	1
2408381	I think Tom wants to kill himself.	CK	1
2411686	Tom can't tie his shoes by himself.	CK	1
2643956	Tom isn't enjoying himself.	CK	1
2892709	What's Tom doing there by himself?	CK	1
2958567	Tom was mumbling to himself.	CK	1
3023908	Tom couldn't look after himself.	CK	1
3201044	Why didn't Tom tell me himself?	CK	1
298580	He prepared supper by himself.	CK	1
1868124	Tom just called Mary a hippie.	CK	1
1409659	She changed her schedule to match his.	CK	1
283384	The car he's driving is not his.	CK	1
262259	I'm interested in history.	CK	1
262266	I want to study history.	CK	1
262268	I like studying history.	CK	1
294067	He studied English history.	CK	1
958893	I love studying history.	FeuDRenais	1
2094834	Everybody needs a hobby.	CK	1
2094841	Everyone should have a hobby.	CK	1
2575348	I need to find a new hobby.	dipdowel	1
39381	Playing tennis is his hobby.	CK	1
1027605	How often does Tom play hockey?	CK	1
2361417	I don't see any bullet holes.	CK	1
19760	Did you enjoy your holiday?	CK	1
399111	Next Monday is a holiday.	catakaoe	1
906776	What's your favorite holiday?	CK	1
2267351	Is tomorrow a holiday?	_undertoad	1
323278	Tomorrow is a holiday.	CK	1
246642	It was quite dark when I got home.	CK	1
288094	He was worn out when he got home.	CK	1
402413	The sky was clear when I left home.	CK	1
878015	I have two parakeets at home.	papabear	1
887501	She waited for him to come home.	CK	1
1005359	Education begins at home.	ellasevia	1
1024524	Tom looks tired. Please take him home.	CK	1