English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1632

2953548	We appreciate your coming.	CK	1
1025116	Tom is afraid of commitment.	CK	1
28519	Try to avoid bad company.	CK	1
1023883	Tom works for a large company.	CK	1
1028968	Tom enjoyed Mary's company.	CK	1
1164193	Tom should start his own company.	CK	1
2387447	I need a little company.	CK	1
2543134	I wouldn't mind some company.	CK	1
2543294	We're about to have company.	CK	1
2275422	Don't your neighbors ever complain?	CK	1
2360004	I've never been one to complain.	CK	1
247943	We're fed up with your complaining.	CK	1
2712941	I'm fed up with your complaining.	CK	1
2014619	Do you want to file a complaint?	CK	1
2360049	I've never had any complaints.	CK	1
2358765	I have a mission to complete.	CK	1
918969	I agree with you completely.	CK	1
1141069	Tom understood it completely.	CK	1
59444	This building is near completion.	CK	1
2892188	This is all so complicated.	CK	1
2892193	This is getting complicated.	CK	1
2986043	Things got very complicated.	CK	1
2387116	I meant that as a compliment.	CK	1
2014360	Tom doesn't want to compromise.	CK	1
1094515	Tom doesn't have a computer.	CK	1
2013979	I'd like to buy this computer.	CK	1
2275769	Back away from the computer.	CK	1
2574435	Tom restarted his computer.	CK	1
3211809	The room was filled with computers.	Hybrid	1
3158425	I have problems concentrating.	brad	1
3161910	I have trouble concentrating.	Marissa	1
2276381	Tom seems to be concentrating.	CK	1
20400	I appreciate your concern.	CK	1
2540654	I understand why you're concerned.	CK	1
2643966	Tom is obviously concerned.	CK	1
2643969	Tom is genuinely concerned.	CK	1
1989735	I hope you'll enjoy the concert.	CK	1
2323185	I don't think Tom liked the concert.	CK	1
2541323	I'm sorry I missed your concert.	CK	1
2359404	I've come to the same conclusion.	CK	1
52191	You must not jump to conclusions.	CK	1
2395993	Don't jump to any conclusions.	CK	1
2389520	I only have one condition.	CK	1
2492886	The house was in poor condition.	sharptoothed	1
2892328	Tom is in perfect condition.	CK	1
2013619	I wanted to hear Tom confess.	CK	1
2407714	I thank you for your confidence.	CK	1
1095346	Tom certainly sounds confident.	CK	1
2275998	I don't feel very confident.	CK	1
2283685	You don't sound very confident.	CK	1