2210876 Why don't you see for yourself? CK 1 2249795 Please identify yourself. CK 1 2281848 Why didn't you save yourself? CK 1 2288916 Don't be too hard on yourself. CK 1 2541143 You'll have to ask Tom yourself. CK 1 2542109 You've often said so yourself. CK 1 2642804 You could've gone by yourself. CK 1 2821459 You suggested it yourself. CK 1 2954554 You have to do it yourself. CK 1 2954884 You'll have to do it yourself. CK 1 3024077 Make sure you don't hurt yourself. CK 1 3096103 You'd better see for yourself. CK 1 3200463 Now tell me about yourself. CK 1 3200619 Tell us more about yourself. CK 1 3201582 You'll have to tell Tom yourself. CK 1 3358880 You're going to hurt yourself. CK 1 435568 Don't overexert yourself. CK 1 264538 Did you study by yourself? CK 1 1008609 Did you make it by yourself? CK 1 2218143 You're embarrassing yourself. CK 1 2288221 You seem to have hurt yourself. CK 1 2249796 Please identify yourselves. CK 1 2450001 Divide this among yourselves. sharptoothed 1 2218144 You're embarrassing yourselves. CK 1 73474 Count from 10 down to zero. CK 1 2358667 I have a broken zipper. CK 1 402363 We saw monkeys at the zoo. CK 1 887592 She went with him to the zoo. CK 1 2360019 I've never been to a zoo. CK 1 73615 Fast is the opposite of "slow." CK 1 266028 We charge a commission of 3%. CK 1 2643603 Tom hasn't done anything yet CK 1 2644306 Tom took a picture of Mary CK 1 2644403 Tom is a basketball player CK 1 2772870 Tom didn't go in right away CK 1 2811436 I had the same problem as you pratheepr 1 2957936 Tom remained quiet a moment CK 1 2996337 Everybody laughed except Tom CK 1 646727 It's already 7:00. CK 1 1094008 Tom gets off work at 5:00. CK 1 2528442 Tom got up at 7:00. CK 1 993136 I get up at 7:00. CK 1 262774 We bought the car for $12,000. CK 1 1418109 Each person paid $7,000. CK 1 73461 I don't want to spend more than $10. CK 1 1449778 The party was held on May 22nd. CK 1 62804 Christmas Day is December 25th. CK 1 3056490 Tom got married at 26. WestofEden 1 1024554 Tom lived to be 97. CK 1 73475 Where is Room 105? CK 1