English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1565

2542502	I'll let you get back to work.	CK	1
2542534	I'll be home right after work.	CK	1
2543086	I'll let you go back to work.	CK	1
2543644	I'll pick you up after work.	CK	1
2543712	I'd better get back to work.	CK	1
2544208	I'm fairly sure it'll work.	CK	1
2544227	I'm a big fan of your work.	CK	1
2544432	I picked Tom up after work.	CK	1
2643262	Tom doesn't think it'll work.	CK	1
2643394	Don't you have to be at work?	CK	1
2644416	Tom had a bad day at work.	CK	1
2819645	I don't want to go to work.	Hybrid	1
2892231	This is not going to work.	CK	1
2892616	What makes you think that'll work?	CK	1
2955478	Tom admired Mary's work.	CK	1
2956479	Tom didn't do any work.	CK	1
2996274	Nobody could make that work.	CK	1
3001741	I'm interested in your work.	CK	1
3144479	What you're suggesting won't work.	CK	1
3192798	Exactly how does this work?	CK	1
3286919	Nothing I try seems to work.	CK	1
3329530	Can you meet me after work?	CK	1
3359929	I've got to get me some work.	CK	1
1024931	Tom is often late for work.	CK	1
319000	My father must do the work.	CK	1
70204	When did you finish the work?	CK	1
245378	Are you finished with your work?	CK	1
66013	When will you get through with work?	CK	1
1025120	Tom is a workaholic.	CK	1
2361442	I don't think it ever worked.	CK	1
16343	You're really a hard worker.	xtofu80	1
1044068	He hired some new workers.	CK	1
2046782	Tom has been busy working.	CK	1
2361470	I don't think this is working.	CK	1
2543113	I'll be up all night working.	CK	1
2958776	Tom's strategy is working.	CK	1
3184202	I think Tom is hard-working.	CK	1
3200413	Tom told me he was working.	CK	1
681159	Tom has a heavy workload.	Source_VOA	1
1027264	This is the place where Tom works.	CK	1
2308172	I could show you how this works.	CK	1
2360899	I hope this medicine works.	CK	1
2361443	I don't think it ever works.	CK	1
3168173	That one usually works.	CK	1
300270	He traveled around the world.	CK	1
2013659	Tom wanted to save the world.	CK	1
2359037	I've been all over the world.	CK	1
2396038	Don't you want to see the world?	CK	1
2438355	I have best job in the world.	Hybrid	1
2438356	I have worst job in the world.	Hybrid	1