2647037 Tom bounced the ball. CK 1 2647406 Tom tossed the ball. CK 1 3171338 Tom held the ball. CK 1 292712 He threw the ball. CK 1 2869898 Throw Tom the ball. CK 1 292711 He kicked the ball. CK 1 2549511 I'm in the band. CK 1 2549518 I'm at the bank. CK 1 3365629 We're at the bank. CK 1 48623 Where is the bank? CK 1 2111820 How barbaric! CK 1 2202607 You're barbaric. CK 1 2111461 That's barbaric! CK 1 2547628 They're all barefoot. CK 1 2247460 I was barefoot. CK 1 2182510 It's a bargain. Hybrid 1 2246040 I played baseball. CK 1 2245959 I love baseball. CK 1 1841664 I play baseball. CK 1 262003 I like baseball. CK 1 249440 We played baseball. CK 1 324084 Let's play baseball. CK 1 54226 Let's play baseball! CK 1 2237210 Tom looks bashful. CK 1 548021 This is basic. NekoKanjya 1 67124 Is that a bat? CK 1 879604 I want a bath. alexmarcelo 1 2549723 I took a bath. CK 1 2865154 Tom needs a bath. Amastan 1 2387424 I need a bath. CK 1 2011348 Tom wants a bath. CK 1 463498 She's in the bath. blay_paul 1 634087 Where's the bathroom? Eldad 1 2892745 When will that be? CK 1 2892774 Where can they be? CK 1 2892775 Where can Tom be? CK 1 3374787 Why would that be? CK 1 2402179 What could it be? CK 1 2250100 That couldn't be. CK 1 3091484 Where could Tom be? CK 1 2377473 I like the beach. CK 1 2486697 How was the beach? CK 1 318682 Don't spill the beans. Dejo 1 2799074 Tom shot a bear. AlanF_US 1 2546946 Tom trimmed his beard. CK 1 2648708 Tom grew a beard. CK 1 2982503 Tom stroked his beard. Hybrid 1 3162945 Tom has a beard. CK 1 3162952 I like your beard. CK 1 294881 He has a beard. CK 1