3151623 Are you giving this to Tom? CK 1 3152276 Shouldn't we give it to Tom? CK 1 3154837 I don't want to eat with Tom. CK 1 3155602 Put your back into it, Tom. CK 1 3157865 Can I get you a drink, Tom? CK 1 3161718 We've got to go and help Tom. CK 1 3162054 Shouldn't you be helping Tom? CK 1 3162055 Shouldn't we try and help Tom? CK 1 3162098 I'm not going to help Tom. CK 1 3170997 Why should I care about Tom? CK 1 3171847 That's what I like about Tom. CK 1 3171851 Something was bothering Tom. CK 1 3171885 I'm too busy to see Tom. CK 1 3171905 I wanted to be like Tom. CK 1 3172056 I never heard back from Tom. CK 1 3172155 I enjoy being with Tom. CK 1 3172162 I didn't recognize Tom. CK 1 3172187 Don't try to blame this on Tom. CK 1 3175057 Can you keep an eye on Tom? CK 1 3176916 I didn't mean to hit Tom. CK 1 3181485 Should I be talking to Tom? CK 1 3181488 Maybe I should talk to Tom. CK 1 3181490 Let me just go talk to Tom. CK 1 3181493 I came here to talk to Tom. CK 1 3181498 Did you try to talk to Tom? CK 1 3181499 Did you really talk to Tom? CK 1 3181512 Are they talking about Tom? CK 1 3181523 We should be talking to Tom. CK 1 3181524 We need to have a talk, Tom. CK 1 3181525 We just need to talk to Tom. CK 1 3181542 Maybe you could talk to Tom. CK 1 3181543 Maybe we should talk to Tom. CK 1 3181550 Let me have a talk with Tom. CK 1 3181551 Let me at least talk to Tom. CK 1 3181552 It's useless talking to Tom. CK 1 3181559 Have you even talked to Tom? CK 1 3181575 Why don't I just talk to Tom? CK 1 3181581 We're waiting to talk to Tom. CK 1 3181827 You shouldn't have talked to Tom. CK 1 3185180 I stayed behind to help Tom. CK 1 3185856 Why didn't you just pay Tom? CK 1 3196649 We should've stayed home with Tom. CK 1 3200067 What am I gonna tell Tom? CK 1 3200137 Why do I have to tell Tom? CK 1 3200352 Let me tell you about Tom. CK 1 3200371 Can you tell us about Tom? CK 1 3200373 Can you tell me about Tom? CK 1 3200465 Maybe I should've told Tom. CK 1 3200479 Do you want me to tell Tom? CK 1 3200631 Tell me what you did to Tom. CK 1