English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1504

2953930	We're not ready to do that.	CK	1
2954207	Why didn't you just say that?	CK	1
2954496	You forgot to mention that.	CK	1
2954966	You're not allowed to do that.	CK	1
2955097	You've got to stop doing that.	CK	1
2992098	Did you tell Tom to do that?	CK	1
2995442	Why would anyone do that?	CK	1
3024279	I really should've known that.	CK	1
3096252	How are you not seeing that?	CK	1
3096908	Do you think you could do that?	CK	1
3128029	I never suggested that.	CK	1
3129502	Whatever happened to that?	CK	1
3130249	Who taught you how to do that?	CK	1
3150465	Why would you want to buy that?	CK	1
3150748	I never should've bought that.	CK	1
3152856	Can you give me some of that?	CK	1
3154635	You shouldn't have eaten that.	CK	1
3154654	Why aren't you eating that?	CK	1
3176912	Of course, Tom doesn't mean that.	CK	1
3181694	We've never talked about that.	CK	1
3181697	We'll have to talk about that.	CK	1
3181702	We don't need talk about that.	CK	1
3181751	You can't talk to me like that.	CK	1
3181792	Don't talk about Tom like that.	CK	1
3183364	Tom never spoke about that.	CK	1
3185854	Who's going to pay for that?	CK	1
3200380	You told me not to do that.	CK	1
3200399	Tom told us not to do that.	CK	1
3200412	Tom told me how to do that.	CK	1
3200415	Tom told me all about that.	CK	1
3200499	Why was Tom told to do that?	CK	1
3200501	Why didn't you tell us that?	CK	1
3200502	Why didn't you tell me that?	CK	1
3200674	Did Tom tell you to do that?	CK	1
3200688	Why didn't you tell Tom that?	CK	1
3200995	I'll be sure to tell Tom that.	CK	1
3201031	You know I can't tell you that.	CK	1
3201188	So why don't you tell Tom that?	CK	1
3201243	You've been told not to do that.	CK	1
3201244	You're the one who told me that.	CK	1
3201585	You shouldn't have told Tom that.	CK	1
3222833	I don't know why I said that.	Hybrid	1
3287214	What would cause something like that?	CK	1
3310783	We're going to work on that.	CK	1
3310885	We're not getting into that.	CK	1
3310886	We're not going to do that.	CK	1
3312776	We didn't need Tom for that.	CK	1
3312777	We know it's not about that.	CK	1
3312778	We should get going on that.	CK	1
3312779	We weren't involved in that.	CK	1