English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1473

1026250	Tom died in his seventies.	CK	1
1675683	She asked me if I could sew.	Scott	1
2495036	Let's go and sit in the shade.	CK	1
1164445	Tom looks a little shaken.	CK	1
2645721	Tom was visibly shaken.	CK	1
290087	He often quotes from Shakespeare.	CK	1
2546627	I'm feeling very shaky.	CK	1
906875	What's your favorite shampoo?	CK	1
1024404	Tom needs to get into shape.	CK	1
2359726	I've got to get back in shape.	CK	1
2544962	I was in pretty bad shape.	CK	1
2713279	Tom is in really bad shape.	CK	1
1493541	Tom was attacked by a shark.	Spamster	1
2739116	This knife isn't very sharp.	CK	1
34806	Do you also want a shave?	CK	1
1864	She's really smart, isn't she?	CK	1
1188696	What kind of person is she?	FiRez	1
2763322	She's beautiful, isn't she?	CK	1
16226	You are as white as a sheet.	CK	1
2958500	Tom was as pale as a sheet.	CK	1
3170614	Tom is as white as a sheet.	CK	1
56958	This book goes on the top shelf.	CK	1
259363	I took a book from the shelf.	CK	1
301377	He hit his head on the shelf.	CK	1
376350	He placed the book on the shelf.	saeb	1
1312793	Put the flour on the shelf.	NekoKanjya	1
1396455	He put the book on the shelf.	CK	1
1525585	I grabbed a book off the shelf.	erikspen	1
1872461	Tom put the cups on the shelf.	CK	1
1963041	That's a bad name for a ship.	CK	1
1963117	I'm the captain of this ship.	CK	1
1963121	We're going back to the ship.	CK	1
1963122	We must get back to the ship.	CK	1
1963133	I'll meet you back on the ship.	CK	1
1963147	Who's the captain of this ship?	CK	1
2091195	No one was on board the ship.	CK	1
2387622	I need to get off this ship.	CK	1
53084	I have to iron my shirt.	CK	1
2395970	Do you want to buy a shirt?	CK	1
2396144	I told you I hate that shirt.	CK	1
2642907	Tom is wearing John's T-shirt.	CK	1
3170685	That's my favorite blue shirt.	CK	1
1662625	Tom is ironing his shirt.	Amastan	1
2642322	Tom put on one of John's shirts.	CK	1
2958203	Tom stared at Mary in shock.	CK	1
2412303	Tom and Mary both looked shocked.	CK	1
2644290	Tom was genuinely shocked.	CK	1
257019	I loosened my shoelaces.	CK	1
258802	I got a pair of new shoes.	CK	1
632478	I got a new pair of shoes.	CK	1