317393 She is a selfish person. CK 1 302443 He is a friendly person. CK 1 1495819 Tom is a friendly person. CK 1 852878 She is not a good person. piksea 1 707466 She is a pleasant person. papabear 1 288947 He seems like a good person. CK 1 239830 Don't take it personally. CK 1 1887504 I know Tom personally. CK 1 2374833 I knew Tom personally. CK 1 3156829 That puts it in perspective. CK 1 2645249 Tom was very persuasive. CK 1 2956221 Tom can be quite persuasive. CK 1 2275177 Don't be such a pessimist. CK 1 3358928 You're far too pessimistic. CK 1 2713491 Have you ever had a pet? CK 1 819846 I work in a pharmacy. PaulLambeth 1 2821420 You're quite a philosopher. CK 1 2236815 Tom is philosophical. CK 1 17453 You are wanted on the phone. CK 1 1025542 Tom had to answer the phone. CK 1 1164459 Tom likes to talk on the phone. CK 1 1744883 I have to answer the phone. Amastan 1 1860531 Tell Tom to pick up the phone. CK 1 1890967 I'm calling from a cell phone. CK 1 1894026 I need to charge my cell phone. CK 1 1951675 I can't get Tom on the phone. CK 1 2294050 I think we spoke on the phone. CK 1 2407205 I talked to Tom on the phone. CK 1 2541178 Tom, you're wanted on the phone. CK 1 2543571 I'm going to use your phone. CK 1 2616873 I'm calling from Tom's cell phone. CK 1 2642842 Tom's not answering his phone. CK 1 2776960 Tom doesn't have a cell phone. CK 1 2956460 Tom didn't answer the phone. CK 1 3185845 I need to find a pay phone. CK 1 1660891 Tom is talking on the phone. Amastan 1 385134 Is this a recent photo? saeb 1 1009353 Is that a recent photo? AOCinJAPAN 1 2045773 That's a beautiful photo. CK 1 2294103 I bet Tom took this photo. CK 1 2542788 Tom showed Mary John's photo. CK 1 2644323 Tom showed Mary the photo. CK 1 2958210 Tom stared at Mary's photo. CK 1 2720751 Tom isn't photogenic. Nero 1 1868170 Tom is quite photogenic. CK 1 2646402 Tom is a photographer. CK 1 1933294 I got a B in physics. CK 1 261615 I have trouble with physics. CK 1 31969 Mary plays the piano. CK 1 292476 Does he play the piano? CK 1