English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1434

2881068	What do you think of this one?	CK	1
2891176	Everyone I know has one.	CK	1
2891233	Here's an even better one.	CK	1
2891709	Maybe that was the last one.	CK	1
2892183	This has to be the last one.	CK	1
2955068	You're the responsible one.	CK	1
2997388	I'll buy you another one.	CK	1
3089452	I hope this is the right one.	Hybrid	1
3168064	Would you like a bigger one?	CK	1
3168096	We have to get a new one.	CK	1
3168121	Today's flight was a rough one.	CK	1
3168164	That's an unusual one.	CK	1
3168169	That was a pretty good one.	CK	1
3168198	Nothing's wrong with the old one.	CK	1
3168202	Let's try a different one.	CK	1
3168207	Let me try another one.	CK	1
3168225	I've already done step one.	CK	1
3168256	I couldn't sell the last one.	CK	1
3168280	Do you have an extra one?	CK	1
3168288	Can I have another one?	CK	1
3315057	Can we get a bigger one?	CK	1
31522	Please show me another one.	CK	1
259432	I want brown shoes, not black ones.	CK	1
2544694	I'm one of the lucky ones.	CK	1
18428	How late is the bank open?	CK	1
39032	The door was broken open.	Swift	1
39789	The buds began to open.	Plodder	1
323769	I can't keep my eyes open.	CK	1
1024585	Tom left the window open.	CK	1
1951669	I can't get the door open.	CK	1
2038604	Tom has left the door open.	chubbard	1
2377311	I left the window open.	CK	1
2541580	Don't chew with your mouth open.	CK	1
2544034	The closet door won't open.	CK	1
2544554	Tom pried the locker open.	CK	1
2643132	Tom's eyelids were half open.	CK	1
3375764	My door is always open.	CK	1
40425	Who left the window open?	mamat	1
281939	What time does the club open?	CK	1
274205	Please keep the windows open.	CK	1
39018	Will you leave the door open?	CK	1
2482051	The upstairs window opened.	CK	1
906836	What's your favorite opera?	CK	1
2264859	I don't understand opera.	Hybrid	1
697834	Please tell me your opinion.	papabear	1
1868460	Tom asked for my opinion.	CK	1
2012189	Tom wants Mary's opinion.	CK	1
2012441	I don't want your opinion.	CK	1
2033107	I wanted your opinion.	CK	1
2091176	No one asked your opinion.	CK	1