English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1411

2542314	I'm sure you've misunderstood.	CK	1
2544072	I'm sure you misunderstood.	CK	1
2646555	Mary could be a model.	CK	1
2957519	Tom needs a male role model.	CK	1
3330302	I'm sorry about your mom.	CK	1
40152	I'm busy at the moment.	CK	1
53390	Please hold the line a moment.	CK	1
290268	He will come in a moment.	CK	1
315022	She stayed there for a moment.	CK	1
1621007	Can I see you a moment?	Spamster	1
2387710	I need to rest a moment.	CK	1
2387779	I need Tom for a moment.	CK	1
2544564	Tom listened for a moment.	CK	1
2544854	I'll join you in a moment.	CK	1
2546098	I'll be out in a moment.	CK	1
2547260	I'll only be a moment.	CK	1
2644077	Stay with Tom for a moment.	CK	1
2644263	Tom, do you have a moment?	CK	1
2646074	Excuse us for a moment.	CK	1
2953087	It'll just be a moment.	CK	1
2953091	It'll just take a moment.	CK	1
2954749	You should enjoy the moment.	CK	1
3096317	Can we come in for moment?	CK	1
3181502	Could we talk for a moment?	CK	1
3327788	Can I see Tom a moment?	CK	1
40046	Be quiet for a moment.	CK	1
1024914	Tom is out at the moment.	CK	1
40074	Would you come here a moment?	CK	1
2237579	Tom paused momentarily.	CK	1
1026261	Tom didn't work last Monday.	CK	1
2380192	I lost my job on Monday.	CK	1
2545925	I'm resigning on Monday.	CK	1
2643495	Tom won't come until Monday.	CK	1
2713233	I'm meeting Tom next Monday.	CK	1
2927795	Are you busy on Monday?	CK	1
3178507	This must be done by Monday.	CK	1
3181696	We'll talk with Tom on Monday.	CK	1
325062	Try us again next Monday.	CK	1
2713369	I'm never free on Mondays.	CK	1
33571	Can you give me some money?	CK	1
37860	I'm very short of money.	CK	1
64557	I'm trying to save money.	CK	1
258648	I want a little money.	qdii	1
262717	We aided him with money.	CM	1
289454	He is hard up for money.	CK	1
289456	He is in need of money.	CK	1
311527	She has a lot of money.	CK	1
409018	Don't you have any money?	CK	1
433614	I don't have any money.	CK	1
480576	He has a lot of money.	CK	1