English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1404

3328153	Can you open this for me?	CK	1
3328154	Can you ever forgive me?	CK	1
3328512	Can you at least look at me?	CK	1
3328513	Can you describe it to me?	CK	1
3328514	Can you describe them to me?	CK	1
3328515	Can you describe Tom to me?	CK	1
3328516	Can you explain that to me?	CK	1
3328517	Can you explain this to me?	CK	1
3328519	Can you play a song for me?	CK	1
3328520	Can you wake Tom up for me?	CK	1
3329678	Can you print it out for me?	CK	1
3330332	I'll help you if you help me.	CK	1
3330334	I know Tom will forgive me.	CK	1
3330335	I want to take Tom with me.	CK	1
3331009	You might want to go with me.	CK	1
3356069	You've got to do this for me.	CK	1
3356358	You've got to listen to me.	CK	1
3356360	You look beautiful to me.	CK	1
3356361	You look familiar to me.	CK	1
3358946	You know too much about me.	CK	1
3359716	Were you surprised to see me?	CK	1
3360212	You seem surprised to see me.	CK	1
3360233	You've been very kind to me.	CK	1
3360260	You said you'd do it for me.	CK	1
3360324	You can't intimidate me.	CK	1
3368203	Is Tom very mad at me?	CK	1
3368858	I think Tom just lied to me.	CK	1
3373010	You don't have to yell at me.	CK	1
3373050	You can't make it without me.	CK	1
297527	He is very kind to me.	CK	1
1484	Nobody understands me.	CK	1
1024763	Tom is very nice to me.	CK	1
459048	Don't underestimate me.	FeuDRenais	1
283746	I saw him looking at me.	CK	1
261373	She is a stranger to me.	CK	1
2276420	You seem to recognize me.	CK	1
283748	I know he is watching me.	CK	1
3181295	Why are you talking to me?	CK	1
297823	He's like a brother to me.	CK	1
60365	This racket belongs to me.	CK	1
54430	Thank you for inviting me.	CK	1
3181466	Who told you to talk to me?	CK	1
2986073	Come over here and help me.	CK	1
56935	This book seems easy to me.	CK	1
1423	It seems interesting to me.	CK	1
277236	Could you draw a map for me?	CK	1
249650	Will you have dinner with me?	CK	1
40091	Would you do something for me?	CK	1
27676	Won't you go shopping with me?	CK	1
268744	We shared the cost of the meal.	CK	1