38197 Where did you have the suit made? CK 1 2955469 Tom acted like a madman. CK 1 295368 He acted like a madman. CK 1 898962 He behaved like a madman. shiba80 1 59195 May I have this magazine? CK 1 288145 He looked through a magazine. CK 1 313861 She glanced through the magazine. CK 1 1164281 Tom rarely reads magazines. CK 1 2275963 I don't believe in magic. CK 1 1140848 Tom wishes he had a maid. CK 1 2387646 I need to hire a maid. CK 1 274520 Please send it by express mail. CK 1 244299 Was it difficult to make? CK 1 2358798 I have a request to make. CK 1 2359000 I have an offer to make. CK 1 2892478 What are you going to make? CK 1 2921563 What sound does a giraffe make? CK 1 3109582 We have decisions to make. CK 1 312770 She wears a lot of makeup. CK 1 1936463 I'd like to go to the mall. CK 1 300426 He looks like an honest man. CK 1 300808 He became a nice young man. CK 1 313323 She married a rich old man. CK 1 1167433 I think he's an honest man. CK 1 1453531 Tom is a family man. Spamster 1 1886064 Do you recognize that man? CK 1 2045793 You're a very handsome man. CK 1 2046694 I'm a very busy man. CK 1 2546423 Tom is a practical man. CK 1 2547795 I'm a very lucky man. CK 1 2646394 Tom is not a busy man. CK 1 2944587 Tom is a powerful man. Hybrid 1 2044525 Tom is not a happy man. CK 1 1934784 Tom is a grumpy old man. Spamster 1 296394 He is a highly paid man. CK 1 1025126 Tom is a very strong man. CK 1 2045801 Tom is a handsome young man. CK 1 2891152 Do you think you can manage? CK 1 3264714 We're under new management. CK 1 1095810 Tom became a manager. CK 1 2050579 Can I play your mandolin? CK 1 1037573 I want to eat a mango. oscarguille 1 1094209 Tom drives like a maniac. CK 1 2203066 Tom is manipulative. CK 1 1093696 Tom has bad table manners. CK 1 3356215 Have you read the manual? CK 1 1293293 He proofread my manuscript. CK 1 35333 May I have a bus route map? CK 1 271174 Have a look at the world map. CK 1 277076 Do you have a subway map? CK 1