English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1369

2644057	This isn't my fault, is it?	CK	1
2644058	This is your bag, isn't it?	CK	1
2644338	Tom said he didn't get it.	CK	1
2644530	It's your money, isn't it?	CK	1
2644828	Tom said I didn't get it.	CK	1
2645244	Tom wasn't expecting it.	CK	1
2645920	Tom decided against it.	CK	1
2646017	One of us has to do it.	CK	1
2646540	Somebody had to do it.	CK	1
2663463	Is there a problem with it?	CK	1
2663487	It's not a problem, is it?	CK	1
2663536	How big a problem is it?	CK	1
2668573	I could scarcely believe it.	Hybrid	1
2698346	What's wrong with how we did it?	CK	1
2708696	Your name isn't Tom, is it?	CK	1
2713161	There's no question about it.	CK	1
2713229	That's not important, is it?	CK	1
2713295	It's kind of hot, isn't it?	CK	1
2821523	Tom wasn't ready for it.	CK	1
2840008	Tom doesn't have to do it.	astynk	1
2883030	That wasn't so bad, was it?	CK	1
2889007	Today's Monday, isn't it?	CK	1
2890928	Are you about to do it?	CK	1
2891146	Do you think we can do it?	CK	1
2891148	Do you think you can do it?	CK	1
2891377	How's Tom going to do it?	CK	1
2891613	It's not going well, is it?	CK	1
2891829	See what you can do with it.	CK	1
2891849	So, what do you think of it?	CK	1
2891855	Somebody's got to do it.	CK	1
2891920	That wasn't so hard, was it?	CK	1
2891963	That would be nice, wouldn't it?	CK	1
2892092	That's what we want, isn't it?	CK	1
2892252	This is so weird, isn't it?	CK	1
2892536	What do you know about it?	CK	1
2892599	What if Tom doesn't make it?	CK	1
2892921	Why didn't you go get it?	CK	1
2952693	I wonder why Tom did it.	CK	1
2953678	We intend to destroy it.	CK	1
2955943	Tom asked Mary to do it.	CK	1
2980128	I asked Tom how he'd do it.	CK	1
2996280	Nobody wants to do it?	CK	1
3096341	How come you didn't do it?	CK	1
3096845	I told you you could do it.	CK	1
3109513	We're so glad you could make it.	CK	1
3123380	That's just the way Tom likes it.	CK	1
3123479	Why do you think they like it?	CK	1
3123611	What makes you think I'll like it?	CK	1
3129854	Something's happened to it.	CK	1
3130254	Now we know how Tom did it.	CK	1