English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1317

2130902	I can't believe I forgot.	Hybrid	1
2591793	You've already forgotten.	CK	1
1177558	Tom has to fill out these forms.	CK	1
299270	He shook his head back and forth.	CK	1
2359307	I've been very fortunate.	CK	1
2547902	I was very fortunate.	CK	1
65071	My uncle made a fortune.	CK	1
1024599	Tom left his son a fortune.	CK	1
1093203	Tom must have spent a fortune.	CK	1
3313068	We could've made a fortune.	CK	1
288559	He must be about forty.	CK	1
2013047	Tom didn't want to be found.	CK	1
2013587	I want to see what Tom found.	CK	1
2013651	Tom doesn't want to be found.	CK	1
2541603	You won't believe what I found.	CK	1
2642230	You'll never guess what I found.	CK	1
2276394	Tom's body was never found.	CK	1
2300238	I came here when I was four.	CK	1
53912	Welcome to San Francisco.	CK	1
70049	Do you like San Francisco?	CK	1
2042945	I want you to speak frankly.	CK	1
2238800	Tom struggled frantically.	CK	1
2800259	Tom joined a fraternity.	CK	1
2713258	You seem a little frazzled.	CK	1
2049766	I don't want to be a freak.	CK	1
2643275	Tom didn't look like a freak.	CK	1
261890	I got the ticket for free.	CK	1
1025642	Tom got these tickets for free.	CK	1
2792874	I got the tickets for free.	CK	1
2792875	I got a ticket for free.	CK	1
320488	The prisoners were set free.	CK	1
2360846	I hid it in my freezer.	CK	1
254253	I heard the song sung in French.	CM	1
312127	I don't think she can speak French.	CK	1
844688	I wrote this letter in French.	eastasiastudent	1
1024795	Tom is trying to learn French.	CK	1
1025021	Tom is good at speaking French.	CK	1
1025933	Tom doesn't understand French.	CK	1
1025974	Tom doesn't read books in French.	CK	1
1026025	Tom doesn't like speaking French.	CK	1
1026739	Tom can't speak very much French.	CK	1
1093338	Tom knows a man who speaks French.	CK	1
1093685	Tom has been teaching us French.	CK	1
1094344	Tom doesn't speak any French.	CK	1
1094475	Tom doesn't know any French.	CK	1
1140849	Tom wishes he could speak French.	CK	1
1891087	I'm not very good at French.	CK	1
1991740	Why did you start learning French?	CK	1
2082788	Why do you want to learn French?	CK	1
2290336	I didn't know Tom spoke French.	CK	1