2882527 What time is it in Boston? CK 1 2951769 Do you still live in Boston? CK 1 2952540 I used to live in Boston. CK 1 2952546 I used to work in Boston. CK 1 2953816 We were delayed in Boston. CK 1 2956147 Tom bought a house in Boston. CK 1 2958369 Tom transferred in from Boston. CK 1 2986668 Tom is coming to Boston. CK 1 2991917 I'd like to live in Boston. CK 1 3012459 It's not too far from Boston. CK 1 3023151 Why did you come to Boston? CK 1 3023152 Why are you still in Boston? CK 1 3023158 Who do you know in Boston? CK 1 3023166 When will you be in Boston? CK 1 3023168 When will Tom come to Boston? CK 1 3023169 When will I get to Boston? CK 1 3023180 When did you move to Boston? CK 1 3023181 When did you go to Boston? CK 1 3023182 When did you get to Boston? CK 1 3023184 When did you come to Boston? CK 1 3023186 When did Tom get to Boston? CK 1 3023207 What do you think of Boston? CK 1 3023209 What do you do in Boston? CK 1 3023211 Were you really in Boston? CK 1 3023231 We have a plant in Boston. CK 1 3023336 Tom told me you're from Boston. CK 1 3023573 Tom is visiting Boston. CK 1 3023605 Tom is staying in Boston. CK 1 3023655 Tom is going to Boston. CK 1 3023768 Tom has gone back to Boston. CK 1 3023823 Tom has a house in Boston. CK 1 3023873 Tom drove a truck to Boston. CK 1 3023944 Tom called me up from Boston. CK 1 3024045 Please come with me to Boston. CK 1 3024057 My parents live in Boston. CK 1 3024081 Let's take a trip to Boston. CK 1 3024178 I'm dying to see Boston. CK 1 3024197 I'd like to visit Boston. CK 1 3024202 I'd like to go to Boston. CK 1 3024215 I wish I were in Boston. CK 1 3024242 I took a trip to Boston. CK 1 3024285 I often go to Boston. CK 1 3024287 I need to go to Boston. CK 1 3024299 I lost my way in Boston. CK 1 3024313 I know someone in Boston. CK 1 3024315 I just got back to Boston. CK 1 3024365 How's the weather in Boston? CK 1 3024366 How will you go to Boston? CK 1 3024384 How far is it to Boston? CK 1 3024426 Does Tom still live in Boston? CK 1