English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1225

2237585	Tom reacted angrily.	CK	1
887278	She looked at him angrily.	CK	1
37289	Tom heard this and got angry.	CK	1
56112	This makes me very angry.	CK	1
254628	I made the woman angry.	CK	1
273039	Our teacher seemed angry.	CK	1
2380441	I made Tom very angry.	CK	1
2892934	Why does it make you angry?	CK	1
2958001	Tom said that he was angry.	CK	1
3101542	I hope Tom isn't angry.	CK	1
3123494	What's Tom like when he's angry?	CK	1
3330688	I'm pretty sure Tom's angry.	CK	1
3373053	Are you sure you're not angry?	CK	1
3374793	I'm very, very angry.	CK	1
2647120	Many of us are angry.	CK	1
68107	He easily gets angry.	CK	1
2393472	Tom is probably angry.	CK	1
2645964	Tom and Mary are angry.	CK	1
320832	My mother must be angry.	CK	1
1293088	He really makes me angry.	CK	1
51226	That is why he got angry.	CK	1
36394	Why did you get so angry?	CK	1
1288431	What he said made us angry.	CK	1
292353	He's a party animal.	CK	1
29333	Donkeys are tough animals.	CK	1
1555759	Tom really loves animals.	Spamster	1
2098938	Please don't feed the animals.	gleki	1
425812	Foxes are wild animals.	blay_paul	1
316008	She is fond of animals.	CK	1
2235991	Tom became animated.	CK	1
2275774	Didn't Tom break his ankle?	CK	1
2358666	I have a broken ankle.	CK	1
3023204	What happened to your ankle?	CK	1
2249309	It's their anniversary.	CK	1
2044414	Happy anniversary!	CK	1
3121701	Tom looks a little annoyed.	CK	1
1929644	Do you find that annoying?	CK	1
3171970	I think Tom is annoying.	CK	1
3371199	I thought Tom was annoying.	CK	1
2645442	They needed one another.	CK	1
1024443	Tom might not know the answer.	CK	1
1025698	Tom gave a detailed answer.	CK	1
1869000	I just want a clear answer.	shanghainese	1
2279397	Tom doesn't have an answer.	CK	1
2279410	Tom doesn't know the answer.	CK	1
2281707	Tom doesn't want to answer.	CK	1
2283625	You didn't let me answer.	CK	1
2361701	I still don't have an answer.	CK	1
2375747	I knew you knew the answer.	CK	1
2407776	I think I have the answer.	CK	1