English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1215

703311	Is this price acceptable?	papabear	1
2953328	That's just not acceptable.	CK	1
42504	It happened by accident.	CK	1
263688	I just had an accident.	CK	1
2880670	It was all an accident.	CK	1
2953071	It was just an accident.	CK	1
1140964	Tom was in an accident.	CK	1
252654	I played the accordion.	CK	1
1462018	Tom has a Swiss bank account.	Spamster	1
2631765	I want to close the account.	Joseph	1
2275385	Don't you have an accountant?	CK	1
2281879	Why don't we get acquainted?	CK	1
296362	He is a man of action.	CK	1
1167539	Tom is a man of action.	CK	1
241607	Now is the time for action.	CK	1
240693	Who's your favorite actor?	CK	1
953841	I'm not much of an actor.	CK	1
2090871	I want to be an actor.	CK	1
1025556	Tom had nothing more to add.	CK	1
58566	Please take me to this address.	Nero	1
309398	Don't let him know her address.	CK	1
391069	Can you tell me your address?	sysko	1
1023729	Would you give me Tom's address?	CK	1
1028922	Tom forgot Mary's address.	CK	1
2329347	I gave Tom a fake address.	CK	1
2395964	Do you know Tom's home address?	CK	1
2879549	How did you get my address?	CK	1
3049965	Tell me Tom's email address.	CK	1
3152285	Let me give you my address.	CK	1
3154055	Can you give me Tom's address?	CK	1
948281	This is my email address.	CK	1
56209	This is my business address.	CK	1
66006	When did you change your address?	CK	1
1094881	Tom deserves admiration.	CK	1
1525947	Tom wants to be admired.	Spamster	1
2264254	How much is the admission?	sharptoothed	1
2645306	Tom said he was adopted.	CK	1
2244970	Aren't they adorable?	CK	1
1886868	Isn't that adorable?	CK	1
2273246	Tom is just adorable.	CK	1
273623	Can you pay me in advance?	CK	1
2892421	We do have one advantage.	CK	1
3168093	We may have one advantage.	CK	1
2544737	I'm looking for adventure.	CK	1
252854	I will act on your advice.	CK	1
260460	I turned to him for advice.	CK	1
1023741	Why don't we ask Tom's advice?	CK	1
1028625	Tom ignored Mary's advice.	CK	1
1029735	Tom asked Mary for advice.	CK	1
1164189	Tom should take Mary's advice.	CK	1