English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1183

3310954	We're finished, aren't we?	CK	1
3310955	We're ready, aren't we?	CK	1
3310956	We're lucky, aren't we?	CK	1
62233	I'd like my coffee weak.	CK	1
3319228	Tom's pulse is very weak.	CK	1
2273123	Tom is extremely weak.	CK	1
2229624	I like my coffee weak.	jgauthier	1
2644235	What are their weaknesses?	CK	1
3183938	I think Tom is wealthy.	CK	1
2276027	I don't have a weapon.	CK	1
2405815	I said drop your weapon!	CK	1
2645815	Tom lowered his weapon.	CK	1
2957830	Tom reached for his weapon.	CK	1
2360170	I have nothing to wear.	CK	1
2361262	I don't know what to wear.	CK	1
18112	What size shoes do you wear?	CK	1
2380230	I love what you're wearing.	CK	1
2644093	Look at what Tom's wearing.	CK	1
256711	I dislike cold weather.	CK	1
321862	I don't mind hot weather.	CK	1
2057785	Blame it on the weather.	CK	1
2283609	I don't like this weather.	CK	1
2546769	I went to your website.	CK	1
2401245	We called off the wedding.	CK	1
2645567	You were at my wedding.	CK	1
2646585	I was at your wedding.	CK	1
3314625	It was a small wedding.	CK	1
2376556	I know you hate weddings.	CK	1
953809	I'll see you next Wednesday.	CK	1
1600538	Are you free on Wednesday?	jathonjet	1
1600588	I have work on Wednesday.	jathonjet	1
408289	We have to pull the weeds.	CK	1
26703	The rain lasted a week.	CK	1
27718	We plan to stay a week.	CK	1
247801	We camped there for a week.	CK	1
288420	He comes round once a week.	CK	1
305016	Were they busy last week?	CK	1
325078	I'll be busy next week.	CK	1
531177	I was busy this week.	FeuDRenais	1
1024309	Tom quit his job last week.	CK	1
1024660	Tom jogs three times a week.	CK	1
1025610	Tom had a hectic week.	CK	1
1093664	Tom has had a bad week.	CK	1
1160551	I worked a lot this week.	Eldad	1
1891189	I've had a busy week.	CK	1
1934661	I'm coming back next week.	Wittich	1
2046735	I'm too busy next week.	CK	1
2358834	I have a test next week.	CK	1
2359958	I have midterms next week.	CK	1
2361854	I'll call you in a week.	CK	1